suzy q lime salt dougnut is the margarita, if they make them it's usually the weekend. You can always go in and request them to be made the following weekend, I've seen it happen.
Thanks snoopy loopy. I have been to the Wood. I have to say, I like the layout and all for TV-watching, but I was never too crazy about the food, and sometimes the service too. I might just give it another shot on game night this time.
Re: Sandwiches at Edgar. It's fairly common practice to make a specific number of sandwiches, a specific amount of soup, salads, when you run a shoppe that does mostly lunch. Bridgehead, Planet Coffee, Starbucks, Art-is-In...I can't think of a business that does not try to predict the number of customers and then minimize waste. While it's unfortunate that you didn't enjoy your sandwich, I don't think the business practice is that unusual.
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