Blogs and Reviews. [Site]

2010 Oct 20
KC Foodie and Zym both mentioned the increased use of Ottawa Foodies' reviews to direct people to blogs. I think this is a worthwhile discussion, but don't want to hijack the Gripes forum, which is in and of itself useful.

My two cents, is that it maybe isn't about redirecting traffic for monies, quite so much as people wanting to showcase their other writing. If you're writing on recipes or food politics, then also writing reviews that you direct people gets them reading your other things.

And personally, I like it when folks read my blog ;)

In all seriousness, though, I actually find it more effective to have a link to my blog on the profile page, rather than inundating folks with half a review and redirecting to a fuller review.

As for the thinning out of reviews, there are a number of users, I suspect, who are active in the forums, but haven't written reviews because things haven't changed at their favourite places. My last review was in the middle of September and before that, August 30. It is what it is, and maybe what we should be encouraging is more reviews by new folk...? Though, I for one like the content the way it is.

2010 Oct 20
Good idea LWB.

In general I think it is just cheesy and cheeky to post a partial review in the "buzz" and then link to a full review. It takes next to no effort to post your full review here, and you can still post a link to your original work and say something like "more photos at the original". Or as LWB notes, just put your link in your profile.

As I already noted, I do not post many reviews because even when I am working for a living, I do not go out to restaurants very much. And when I do, it is usually a tried-and-true place, and as she notes, if nothing has changed then I generally will not post a new review.

I've always loved the forums a lot more anyway, right from the beginning.

2010 Oct 20
I write reviews on Ottawa Foodies and I also have a blog that is food focused. How I write on my blog might be considered 'flowery' and even perhaps 'personal'. Restaurant reviews is just a small part of my content. Ottawa Foodies is just a small part of my traffic.

When I contribute to Ottawa Foodies, my approach has been to 'cut to the chase' with the details of the experience and how I responded to it. I cut out the 'flowery' and the 'personal' and just leave the 'meat'. I do this partly because I expect that this is what the readership of Ottawa Foodies wants. But also because I know this is how I approach Ottawa Foodies when I am looking to use them as a resource.

My experience is that there are many people who are regulars to Ottawa Foodies because they contribute to the community in some way or they choose to be regular readers. However, there appears to be a number of readers that go to Ottawa Foodies for information who are not 'regulars' and are more random because they happen to be in search of specific information - for sure this applies to out of towners hunting for details on Ottawa eateries.

I have chosen to write my Ottawa Foodies reviews as concise and complete as possible and then invite the reader, if they wish, to go to the blog for more pictures and/or content. I put this direct link for the review at the end in such a way that I do not think is too in your face. I think people passing through would not know one way or another whether I am a blog writer if I just had the blog name in my profile. Also using the direct link to the specific blog entry saves readers from wading through the blog, trying to find the specific more detailed review, as I have a lot of other material on my blog. The reader also may not be reading on Ottawa Foodies at the same time that I have just posted to the blog, so a link to the blog's home page may not be terribly helpful (whether put in the Ottawa Foodies write-up or Ottawa Foodies profile). I prefer not to waste their time trying to find content on my blog if all they want to read is that one particular blog entry. I am not looking to lure readers to the blog in general. The blog is either someone's style or not. And if one blog entry gets them interested, great, but I won't subject them to reading more than they want, if it is just one entry they are looking for.

I am a big supporter of blog writers sharing their material on Ottawa Foodies but I do believe the material needs to stand on its own merits and should not 'require' someone to go to the blog for a complete review. I know some bloggers cut and paste their blog entry into Ottawa Foodies. I choose not to do that because I want to cut out the my flowery and my personal and get right to the 'facts'. [BTW, I developed this thinking by trying to be a regular to Ottawa Foodies as a reader and contributor. I made my fair share of 'rookie' mistakes at the beginning because I hadn't thought it through or I just didn't 'get' it.]

As an FYI, I don't get paid to write my blog and I get nothing from increased traffic to my blog. I have seen the general shilling comment thrown around from time to time and for me I gain no advantage when someone pops in to the blog. I am happy to put in the extra effort to share my blog material with Ottawa Foodies and I hope the way I do my reviews here is servicing the Ottawa Foodies readership while I enjoy my little blogging hobby.

After all, Food is Fun!!

2010 Oct 20
I actually like the practice. I prefer reviews on this site to be brief and succinct. Maybe a few paragraphs and I can judge whether this is a restaurant that I might be interested in. If I want more detail, then it's nice to have a blog or external site to get more detail if I need it.

If it's too brief, then it does look like their are fishing for people to visit their blog, but as long as they put enough material on Ottawa Foodies to be useful, then I think it works well.

2010 Oct 20
I have no problem with an "edited for Ottawa Foodies" version of a blog review accompanied by a link to the source material. But when the review is really nothing more than a link to the blog (like the recent review of Bambu) I start to raise an eyebrow.

2010 Oct 20
I'm the same as Ollie here. Makes perfect sense what Food is Fun said. But a review here should be a real review, even if the one back on the blog has more pizazz, flair, character, or whatever you want to call it. For my part I do a verbatim copy simply because it is easier and I'm lazy :-)

2010 Oct 20
Yay blogs! I am excited to see this topic up here! I am new to Ottawa Foodies (as a contributor) and am new to blogging. I just started posting pictures from my blog and then directing people to my blog. Being new to all this I wasn't sure the best practices to get people interested in my blog. Now I have a better idea! Sorry to those who were annoyed with my pictures! Any advice on how to get more people to my blog would be much appreciated! I can't wait to become more involved in the Ottawa Foodies community!!!

2010 Oct 21
One way to get people to your blog is to read a bunch of other related blogs, and whenever someone else talks about something you've already written about, then offer some comments and input, and say "I wrote about this a few months ago" and then post the link.

2010 Oct 21
Some good tips.
I have a food blog..but it is also a cosmetics review blog.
I have not posted many actual reviews here as I have not eaten out much in Ottawa lately, I am more cooking at home.
But that being said I have also reviewed interesting packaged food products.

It would be nice to make money from my blog or at least from my writing again.
I used to evaluate stores and some restaurants for my work before...and was paid for those reports, but I can not post those and these were mostly forms with a summary at the not that interesting to me.

I can mention a few odd and interesting facts about how some restaurants have some very odd customer service policies.
Nothing "bad" just some silly things.

I'm actually looking for a writing related job right now...or another kind of job maybe.

2010 Oct 21
Re: I Heart Bacon
Please don't stop with the photos! We LOVE photos! The only tip I can offer you is to just make sure to include some text with 'em, describing the dish in the picture and your review of it. :)

2010 Oct 21
Hey having your own blog lets you have control and own your own content. I know some people who have fashion blogs and eventhough they make a couple of dollars a day with ad traffic it can more than pay for your internet service costs. So more traffic directed to your blog if properly setup can make your blogging efforts worthwhile. I'm sure Ottawafoodies has enough traffic for some bucks to payback costs. Maybe there's a social network for food waiting to happen and maybe you can be the next MarK Zuckerberg of food getting people to grow your idea with reviews, photos and stuff and you sit back and turn into a billionaire with the public's efforts. I bet will make loads of cash with people all over dumping free content for them ;)

2010 Oct 21
KC Foodie:

I'm not sure where you got your information regarding from, but let me be the first to tell you that people are not "dumping free content for them". Those of us who are writing for them are receiving compensation, and it's an opportunity to take something that we're passionate about to the next level by increasingly readership.

So yeah, I'm not entirely sure where you get off on that, to be honest.

2010 Oct 21
Ladey who brunches: compensation is great news that I did not know and just assumed. You deserve it!


2010 Oct 21
Dumb question,
what is a good way to increase readership of your blog?
I did write a few reviews about ottawa restaurants and after that somehow the actual restaurants joined my subscriber list.
Not that my subscriber list has anyone else yet.

My book review blog when I did write more for it had a lot more readers,and hopefully I can get back to reviewing books...the only advantage I had for reviewing books was I would get up to 20 books of my choice every month :)from some publishers.
Not complaining about free books as it is nicer than buying them and more convenient :)

2010 Oct 21
Consulting with an SEO professional is a great way to increase readership. (Search Engine Optimization)

2010 Oct 21
I don't have time to read numerous blogs...I limit myself to 2 hours/week of interest internet--and not all is food related. There is way too much out there so I stick to local food stuff (Ottawa Foodies, Xpress, Anne DesBrisbay) and TripAdvisors for places I am about to visit. These are enough for me! (well aware I'm in the minority but I do have other interests!)

2010 Oct 23
Prettytasty - I have to be honest, I had a quick look at your blog, but the formatting and the cosmetic reviews sent me away. I wasn't sure what the point of the blog was - food or make-up?

Look at food blogs like foodieprints and see what other food reviewers are doing with their blogs. I hope traffic to these sites is giving some money to the creators, they deserve it for their details, hard work, photos and clever writing.

Zym is right in how to get people to your blog, start participating elsewhere and give readers a reason to want to go see your blog.

Good luck.

2010 Oct 23
I'm going to have a agree with hipfunkyfun about your blog, Prettytasty, it has a bit of an identity crisis. Perhaps working on the layout will help up your readership. I appreciate make up product reviews as well as food reviews. I'm not sure a lot of males would care about the make up reviews, though they may still have interest in the food reviews.

The blog has great potential, just needs some fine tuning!

2010 Oct 23
Also it looks like hell prettytasty. You've got the width restricted so narrow that by the time I go down one page, the column of links on the left has disappeared and your writing is only a very narrow band in my browser that takes up only about 2/5 of my browser width. And that is on a relatively small monitor that is 1280x1024 pixels.

Far too many people these days used fixed width sites. They completely miss one of the huge points of the web - let the user determine the layout/format. If your site does not behave well or look good at any width chosen by the user, then you have to go back to the drawing board.

2010 Oct 23
The good news is that your readership has increased in a mere few hours! Just kidding, of course. I would definitely style it up and perhaps, seperate the blog into two sections, at least. You might also want to consider using a different wordpress template as yours is standard from blogger.
Just my 2 cents.

2010 Oct 23
This is a bit of a pickle for us. We do feel like we're part of the Ottawa Foodie online community here, but we do write a blog and we do have a goal to increase readership there. It's not about the money, to be sure -- it's definitely a labour of love as we've seen nary a cent in revenue. The blog is a place that has a bit of our personality and it's the only way we can track how many people are really seeing and reading what we write, which is the real measure of its success for us. If we wrote the entire posting here, there'd be no point of having a blog, as people would be less inclined to visit and explore our other topics.

We've written plenty of posts we don't link to here on Ottawa Foodies because they may not have enough local interest, but we do make it a point to include links to posts that would be on-topic and of interest to folks here.

In most cases we do try to include a "kernel" of the topic here so it's not just a link we're placing in the post.

I fully understand why people would not like it if a commercial interest just posted a link in the forum. But what about us - legit members of the online community who try to at least include a portion of the post to give people the gist so if they don't want to click the link they don't have to? After all, it's just a link - it takes no effort to go there and come back, and you might find something else of interest over there, which is kind of the point of this whole series-of-tubes, hyper-linked internet thingie.

2010 Oct 23
If you really want to track who is on your blog or other site, install Google Analytics. Hands down the best analysis you will ever get for your site. And easy as heck to install on any site.

2010 Oct 24
Thanks for the comments.
I will try and work on the format and figure out more of how blogger works.
I am not an expert at computer formatting yet....

The point of my blog was supposed to be PRETTY-as in cosmetics reviews and TASTY as in food reviews...which is why I thought cosmetics and food could hopefully go together.
I have had a few random people,who I have no idea of mention my blog to me this week.
-went to a restaurant last night and the cook there when I was at the cash mentioned someone sent him my blog..and that he remembered that it was what I had ordered a few weeks ago (the restaurant was dead that day and me and my guest were the only customers.

Ok, I will try and see how I can change the format of my blog.
But one thing is I was not planning on having 4 different blogs-that is a bit too much to manage.
I already have a book blog, pretty tasty and do not really want to add another cosmetics one...then another food one.

Ok, sort of a lame question- what is the best style of formatting for a blog.
So that it is easy to read?
I am really not sure what the best formatting style or margin numbers should be!

I'll try and work on that this week.

Another question:
what browsers are people using.
I can only format and post with Firefox right now, using explorer never works for posting but is ok for viewing. Also have Opera browser installed and Netscape.

2010 Oct 24
Google analytics will tell you what browsers people use for your site

2010 Oct 24
We do use Google Analytics. That was kind of my point. I can only do a visitor breakdown if folks actually visit the site, which posting entire posts here would discourage.

2010 Oct 24
My comment here is anecdotal but I think being more complete with my Ottawa Foodies (I do a edited version (less flowery) 99% of the time vs. cut and paste) posts has increased traffic to my blog. I guess they consider it worth the bother to see pictures and read a bit more about the place beyond the food experience. I run Google Analytics and I see my Ottawa Foodies traffic going up on the day that I post to it a lot more now that I am complete than back in the day of just a little tidbit. I can't say that there is a correlation as I didn't ask the readers specifically if completeness influenced them. I know it does me. I tend not to go to a link at someone's website if the lead in on Ottawa Foodies is 'lite'. But that's just me. Others may feel differently.

2010 Oct 26
I must admit that I really enjoy reading other people's blogs, and I like supporting people when they're doing what they love.

If people feel more comfortable speaking in their own voice on their own blog, rather than doing it on Ottawa Foodies, that's their prerogative.

To that end, I'd much prefer people post a brief review on Ottawa Foodies and then link to their blog over people not posting here at all.

Prettytasty - I'm using Opera 10.63 on Windows XP to post this right now; I've had success with Opera and Safari 5 on OS X as well.

2010 Oct 26
From my view it's got to be all about content, content, content. You're writing for people who are pretty serious about food and likely know how to cook or at least have some opinions on the matter. Therefore something must be offered that isn't derivative or rather basic information that most serious home cooks would know.

I personally think a blogger needs to examine their "core-competencies" and stick to that. Do you know how to bake from scratch? Authentic indian food? Interesting vegetarian ideas? Really affordable cooking? Strictly seasonal recipes? Gluten-free? Something like that. I personally don't think, for example, posts like "Here's my recipe for the best spaghetti sauce" is quite enough to get me coming back again and again.

Getting people to click on the site by linking from another website only works once. Repeat visitors will only happen when that initial visit demonstrates "Hey, this person has something original and interesting to say that speaks to me."

2010 Nov 2
@hipfunkyfun Thank-you for your mention of our blog! I'm glad people check back to foodiePrints to see what we're up to.

For the record, we have no sponsors. For however long we can maintain it, we will post no ads. We are very transparent about what events we go to that are sponsored. We specify what products are sent to us to review and are objective in our assessments.

What Jenn, Claire, and I do is purely to feed our collective passion for food and drink.

That said, I would like to inject a point to the conversation here.

Google (or another search engine) is your homepage, not the index page on your site or blog. There seems to be a strong movement away from "surfing" the web and using an "app" or just "googling." Getting your content out and indexed is paramount!

We work hard to establish a trust-able brand, but have been negligent in contributing to ottawafoodies. Yes, one of us is on the forum somewhat regularly, lurking, reading, enjoying. It is a good resource.

I actually feel guilty adding a link to comments and forum posts, because I feel I'm "pimping" foodiePrints. If adding a "complete" textual summary with a link is acceptable, we may opt to contribute this way...

@LWB I have spoken to the people behind and am interested in contributing to their efforts.