Post Your Christmas Menu! [General]

2009 Dec 19
I LOVE knowing what people are eating! What are you making for Christmas Dinner this year? I'm all for traditional, but this year I'm breaking out of the box. I will be making:

Kosher salt and peppercorn covered prime rib
blue cheese and pistachio risotto
micro greens with brandy dressing
green beans with lemon juice, honey and sesame seeds

For dessert we'll be having a homemade lemon tart, shortbread, and a hazelnut crunch cake.

I'm not sure if I'll be making appetizers yet...I don't want people to get too full.

So, what are you eating...enquiring minds want to know ; )

2009 Dec 19
Don't know yet, but it will involve truffles!

2009 Dec 19
i'll be attempting to make a roast pork shoulder for 4 people (my mum, brother and sister in law)

& not sure about the veggies yet.. probably my mashed potatoes, crunchy green beans, asparagus

& making a cheese plate as well w/ rustic bread

& for dessert i'll be making a chocolate Guinness cake (reccommended by chimichimi - thank u) i'll be altering the icing a bit without any walnuts

wish me luck! :)

2009 Dec 19
I will make a Bûche de Noël (Yule log) with chestnut cream and chocolate ganache.
I will also bake a Christmas stollen with almond paste inside. This is for breakfast.
I am not sure what I will cook for dinner. I love baking, but I am not good at cooking:(
My son said he wants to eat sushi, so I think I will make all kinds of nigiri and maki.

2009 Dec 19
Aisu, that Bûche de Noël sounds fabulous! I would love to come and eat at your place...sweets and sushi are two of my favourite things : )

2009 Dec 20
Dinner at my parents' place this year. Hence, it's the same thing that we've eaten at Christmas dinner for at least the last ten years! ;)

First course is always a brie, pear, and caramelized onion strudel, with a nice mixed green salad.

We had prime rib for Thanksgiving, so turkey will be the main feature. Other than that, we'll likely have:

Mashed potatoes
Some sort of stuffing (I should figure that out some time)
Brussels sprouts with bacon and marsala

Various pies for dessert, and we'll probably bring a huge baathk (this delicious Goan vaguely pound-cakey thing made with ground coconut and semolina) to snack on before dinner.

I have half a mind to make rillettes for before-hand, too, but am probably too lazy to go out and get all the stuff for it.

2009 Dec 20
Roast beef with yorkshire pudding
peas and baby tomatoes sauted
roast potatoes
glazed carrots with caraway seeds
lots of pan dripping gravy to go with the yorkshire pudding
plum pudding with brandy sauce
mince pies
good glass of port with cheese selection

Very British dinner as you can see. Still miss sitting down after our lunch and listing to the Queens Christmas message with a glass of Enos at hand.

Merry Christmas to you all.!

2009 Dec 20
We're having the big turkey dinner on Christmas Eve, so to make it easier the next day, we're trying to recreate Murray Street's duck poutine. Hubby is making spaetzle, I'll make a gravy and shred duck confit into it, and we'll find a good Quebec or Ontario cheese to melt over the top. Any recommendations for a good gravy recipe and/or cheese?

2009 Dec 20
Arugula - you can find the goats cheese curd at piggy market and I believe Rainbow Foods also carries one... this is what they use at Murray St!

2009 Dec 20
A few years ago we started doing the big meal on boxing day to make it easier on Christmas with the kids and all. I definitely recommend it to anyone with kids!

2009 Dec 20
Christmas Menu

Big Easy BBQed Turkey
Home made tortiere
Mashed turnip medely
Stuffing(frozen butterball from grocery store)
Creamed spinach
Pilsbury Cresents
creamed corn
Chomeur(poor mans pudding)

A bend of a few cultures is always nice. Merry Chrismas everyone!

2009 Dec 20
The weather looks quite promising, so we'll be having our traditional deep fried turkey. Sides will be creamy garlic mashed potatoes, cran-apple yams, bread stuffing, roasted brussel sprouts with pancetta, wilted spinach salad, and corn bread muffins. We have an assortment of cheeses for dessert, plum pudding, and pumpkin-yam pie.

For the same reasons as Zyg, I do all of the prep the day of christmas eve. With the outdoor deep fryer (and hence an empty oven) we can be from fridge to table in 1:15 flat.

It takes longer to do the dishes, than to cook.

2009 Dec 20
I think my menu is now finalized:

Hors D’oeuvres:

Puréed Squash Steak on toasted baguette sliced with caramelized onions (1 per person)
Pea Pompette (google Daniel Boulud’s recipe I serve them in a crispy croustades shell available at blah blahs (2 per person)
Salmon Cornets based on Thomas Keller’s recipe (1 per person)
Smoked Salmon served with crème fraiche on pumpernickel slices (1-2 per person)
Sliced block of foie gras served on a canapé (0-2 per person (some don’t like foie gras)
Salmon Roe with crème fraiche served on canapé (0-2 per person (some don’t like roe!)

Main Menu:
1) Coquille St Jacques
2) Prime Rib Roast served with mini double baked potatoes, Yorkshires, and carrots
3) Cheese course: old cheddar, chaumes, double crème brie, and rockfort blue
4) Champagne Sorbet
5) Individual Chocolate Christmas Tree Cake with chocolate buttercream icing and a small butter cookie topped with whipped Cream and Strawberries
6) A selection of biscuits and macarons (from Costco which are good for the $ you get 32 in a box for $17 and change)
7) Chocolate Truffles

2009 Dec 21
Right now, it looks like we'll be having the following:

Mushroom, stuffing and cranberry phyllo rolls
Lemon-Rubbed Roast Chicken
Pan-Roasted Shallots with Butternut Squash and Brussels Sprouts
Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Seitan en croute - if I can find vegan puff pastry.
Mincemeat pie
Blueberry pie (depending on whether my step-dad is feeling up to making two pies this year)

2009 Dec 21
Yesterday I was at the Metro by Island Park picking through turkeys when I noticed 2 of them were priced less than half the price per lb as the rest of them. There was a guy there stocked the meat so I asked him why. He confirmed what I was hoping to hear : "because someone mispriced them".


I bought both and have them brining right now.

So, brined turkey is on the menu. Not sure just yet what else as my job is the bird and my wife does the rest. Squash and stuffing for sure. I may make cranberry sauce (and can up a bunch of it)

2009 Dec 21
i'm baking star trek gingerbread men too.

2009 Dec 21
i'm no trekkie, but damn, those are so CUTE and tasty looking!

2009 Dec 22
Christmas is a time for traditions...
breakfast - Scottish kippers with bread/butter and tea
Christmas dinner @ around 2-3.00 pm, after the queens speech
left overs @ 7.00ish
Turn into hermits and sit around all day in pjs, playing, watching tv/dvds, not answering the phone
fav dvd at Christmas...Love Actually.

I know, this all sounds a little weird, but it works for us, and the kids look forward to it.

2009 Dec 22
Smartcookie - Those cookies are awesome!

2009 Dec 22
Oh, crap! I should have mentioned Christmas breakfast!

It's Welsh rarebit. Has been for years. Hopefully still will be on years we're in Ottawa for Christmas.

Christmas *Eve* pictures will be forthcoming. We're going MAD WITH FANCY.

2009 Dec 22
My family tradition is to have a lobster supper on xmas eve

My wife's tradition is filled cookies for breakfast xmas day - which we'll for for the kids again this year.

And our own tradition as mentioned above is for the xmas meal to be on boxing day, to leave more time on xmas day for the kids

20 points for anyone who knows what the 'x' in 'xmas' stands for :-)

2009 Dec 22
X is for the Greek letter Chi which is the first letter in the Greek spelling of Christ. Catholic education for the win! :)

2009 Dec 23
I am having Christmas Eve dinner for family. normally we make tortierre's ahead of time but didn't get to it.
So this year;
Just a nibble of duck pate smeared on toast/ cracker along with conversation.
roast beef, yorkshire pudding (2nd time making) sweet and yellow roast potato, steamed carrots and frozen summer corn (by request) green salad. I was told of a method of keeping avacado green, by soaking with pineapple juice, then using that juice in vinaigrette, so will try this out.
dessert is home made butter tarts
cheese plate, cheeses are limited here, so cambozola, Quebec port salut, and cheddar with grapes, melon, and pear.

2009 Dec 23
Hey solstice, how about that pudding recipe over in the pudding thread?

2009 Dec 23
Like Momomoto, I forgot the most important part about the morning menu:

Ceasar's (with extra horseradish and dill pickle spears instead of celery).

2009 Dec 23
Oops and I didn't state what this thread is asking for...Xmas dinner!
This year turkey with roast potatoes, yorkshire pud, b. sprouts, carrots, turnip, gravy, cranberry, stuffing...Xmas pudding for dessert...pretty traditional all round really.

2009 Dec 24
Pan seared scallops topped with perigord truffle shavings and "Guido bacon" (pan fried parma prosciutto glazed with maple syrup), served over a truffled parsnip/potato puree, with brown butter/balsamic drizzle.

2009 Dec 24
Fresh pasta tossed with butter, topped with porcini, morel, king oyster mushroom, edamame, parmesan cream sauce, with abundant amounts of burgundy truffle microplaned over top, drizzled with high quality EVOO.

2009 Dec 25
As mentioned above, we don't do the big meal today. Since the kids arrived we find it much less stressful to have the big meal on Boxing Day, and on Christmas day we just put out a big spread like this and everyone picks away at it all day.

We make Christmas day about the kids and Boxing Day about the food :-)

2009 Dec 25
Some more stuff

2009 Dec 25
Here on the bottom are various baguette - on the top left home made biscotti, middle home made filled cookies, right home made short breads

2009 Dec 26
From our Christmas Eve dinner: Cast-iron-seared foie gras aux pruneaux, with toasted brioche and balsamic reduction.

Preparing this made me realize that, if you can order foie gras at a restaurant, you can make foie gras at home. It's easy.

2009 Dec 26
Action shot from the main course: Tagliatelle, sauced with butter, cream, Parmesan, cracked black pepper, and shaved perigord truffle. Num!

(Should have microplaned the truffles. My shaver is awful.)

2009 Dec 27
alaskan king crab + perigold black truffle + garofalo alle vongole + mussels + chives. garofalo pasta cooked al dente with thomas keller's recipe for roasted garlic white wine vongole sauce which is to die for. shaved fresh shaved perigold black truffles to complement totalling a divine flavor and mouthfeel that is out of this world.

2009 Dec 27
alaskan king crab + perigold black truffle + garofalo alle vongole + mussels + chives v2.0/detail.

2009 Dec 29
Actually Christmas Day we ate at Yummy Sushi. My 86 year old mom was visiting from Toronto. After opening presents we went went to Yummi Sushi and had a great time. It was not busy at all. All of the restaurants in that Chinatown core were open Christmas day.

Right now I've got an overnight brined turkey, gogi berry stuffing, in the convection oven. I follow the recipe tested by SFGate Newspaper for brined convection turkey (brine overnight - no more than 20 hours or it's too salty), stuff, bard with one or two whole packages of bacon on the breast and convection bake at 375 for about 2 hours (use a thermometer into the stuffed cavity to check doneness). It's a once in a year treat (Thanksgiving or Christmas) for this almost vegetarian boy (well I eat fish occasionally throughout the year too - I know it makes real vegetarians cringe, because my daughter is one of them "what kind of a vegetarian are you anyways?", she mocks :-) )

2010 Jan 2
We had Terducken as part of a wonderful feast at a friend's annual shindig and it was fabulous! Kudos to Aubreys for assembling it for us (as a special order ahead of time) and to my friend for the wonderful job he did in cooking it.