Favourite potato chips [Food/Vendor]
2011 Aug 31
I really enjoy Blair's chips. Yes, Blair's 'the hot sauce company'. I typically buy the Habanero flavour, but you better plan on sharing that bag. They are H-O-T!!! They also have a tamed down Buffalo Wing that are spicy, but not overly. Great crunch, and great flavours. They're crunchier than a Miss Vickies chip, which I also really enjoy. In Ottawa, there is a lack of selection, as you'll really only find them at Bulk Barn in Habanero or Buffalo Wing. The odd time you'll see them at a 7-11. They have a bunch of other great flavours, but they're rarely seen in Ottawa, or Canada unless shipped in. They aren't cheap either.
2011 Sep 1

kettle chips or die. will have to try Covered Bridge. i'm a huge fan of Cape Cod russett. Miss Vickies unsalted are my staple.
does anyone remember Mister Vickies? that's right, Mister Vickies. the packaging (crude photo attached) had the 'Mister Vickies' script along the top with a bowtie/blue overalls covering the bag. a few years back a friend of mine was convinced i was crazy so i went as far as to emailing the company just to confirm their existence. they made them before the company sold out to Frito Lay. can't quite put my finger on the flavour but they had a spicy kick them (not hot per se, more like a strong onion/garlic).
does anyone remember Mister Vickies? that's right, Mister Vickies. the packaging (crude photo attached) had the 'Mister Vickies' script along the top with a bowtie/blue overalls covering the bag. a few years back a friend of mine was convinced i was crazy so i went as far as to emailing the company just to confirm their existence. they made them before the company sold out to Frito Lay. can't quite put my finger on the flavour but they had a spicy kick them (not hot per se, more like a strong onion/garlic).
2011 Sep 1
When I was a kid growing up in windsor, we used to get Superior Potato Chips delivered to the door the morning after they were baked. Still the best I ever had and wish I had that 5lb turquoise can today. We used to leave it on the porch and "the chip man" would come by and fill it. I left in 76 and they were still doing it then.
2011 Sep 1
chris - i forgot about the honey dijon! they are great, not my very favourite, but really good. i tend to eat the baked kettle chips now. they are definitely the best baked chips on the market. they are low in calories and more importantly, they look like potatoes and taste like potatoes.
2011 Sep 1
From what I was able to find, it seems that "kettle chips" are cooked in a batch process rather than a continuous process. But I don't know if that explains the fact that "kettle chips" seem to be a harder, crispier, looks-more-like-a-potato potato chip, which is what most people seem to like.
2011 Sep 1
HFF, it was insane. I hesitated to talk about it in the school lunch thread, but mom used to pack our lunches with sandwiches, fruit, puddings etc., and always a baggie full of chips scooped from the "Superior" can. I think they were so good because they were delivered within hours of having been made.
2011 Sep 2
They have quite a selection of interesting chips at Market Organics. Some of the wierd ones I quite like (jalapeno) but I seem to like the standbys like salt and vinegar best. I haven't tried them all by any means. A selection of them are usually on sale at any given time under $3 a bag, and if they look interesting I'll try them. Most of them are marked "gluten free" too.
2011 Sep 4
Have not tried Blair death rain yet- but they are on sale for $1.49 at Bulk bark Billings Bridge.
Also...there is a $3 off $10 coupon at the Bulk Barn.ca website :)
-wasn't planning on posting this and really came to add what chips I like.
guess I will pick up a bag of the Death Rain not too spicy to see what the hype is about...
I like the Kettle Brand chips- the baked bbq ones are very good.
For a wannabe kettle chip similar to Miss Vickies- the Master Choice kettle style is great.
They used to be on sale for $1 often, but now the packaging looks fancier and they are always over $2- still good though.
Also...there is a $3 off $10 coupon at the Bulk Barn.ca website :)
-wasn't planning on posting this and really came to add what chips I like.
guess I will pick up a bag of the Death Rain not too spicy to see what the hype is about...
I like the Kettle Brand chips- the baked bbq ones are very good.
For a wannabe kettle chip similar to Miss Vickies- the Master Choice kettle style is great.
They used to be on sale for $1 often, but now the packaging looks fancier and they are always over $2- still good though.
2011 Oct 3
I had not tried the Covered Bridge chips mentioned, so when I saw them today I had to snap them up. I was surprised to see them at Fresh Co, of all places. They had sea salt and black pepper, and the sweet bbq (or was that smokey?). I opted for the salt/pepper. They're pretty damn good! The russets are a very good choice. The flavouring is a nice compliment, and doesn't overlwhelm like many. I think I still prefer the Blair's chips, but these are definitely very good. Not greasy, crisp, good flavour and an almost 'clean' taste, if that makes sense. The bag also specifies 'gluten-free'. $2.99/bag.
2011 Oct 6
They aren't my favourite, but I did try a bag of Cajun Squirrel flavoured chips. Oh, come on. I HAD to. Not very momorable. Much like ketchup chips mixed with barbeque. Not very squirrely at all.
No, I tend to go for the regular lightly salted chips. I like the plain taste of the potato. It's better if they're fresh so the oil doesn't go off.
I like waffle chips if I can find them. Oo! Maybe I'll have to make some this weekend! They'll go nicely with the roast.
Covered Bridge are pretty good. They come from the land of the best potato: New Brunswick.
No, I tend to go for the regular lightly salted chips. I like the plain taste of the potato. It's better if they're fresh so the oil doesn't go off.
I like waffle chips if I can find them. Oo! Maybe I'll have to make some this weekend! They'll go nicely with the roast.
Covered Bridge are pretty good. They come from the land of the best potato: New Brunswick.
2011 Oct 13
Covered Bridge also makes tortilla chips and they are actually made in Ottawa!
I bought a bag that was very similar and went to look at the company address on the bag and found this:
I think someone on this site was looking for Dutch Crunch or Old Dutch kettle chips?
I was at the convenience store in the General Hospital- the small one that sells bus tickets and they had both brands in small bags for $1.50
I also saw some of the Grandpa's brand potato chips. One of my friends at school, many years ago her family would always buy that brand.
They are only ok- I might try them again just to see though.
Bulk Barn has some brand of sweet potato chips for around $2.50 they were quite crunchy and tasted of actual sweet potato.
I sometimes buy the terra chips and find they just taste more of oil and salt.
I forget the brand,but will buy another bag and post then.
I bought a bag that was very similar and went to look at the company address on the bag and found this:
I think someone on this site was looking for Dutch Crunch or Old Dutch kettle chips?
I was at the convenience store in the General Hospital- the small one that sells bus tickets and they had both brands in small bags for $1.50
I also saw some of the Grandpa's brand potato chips. One of my friends at school, many years ago her family would always buy that brand.
They are only ok- I might try them again just to see though.
Bulk Barn has some brand of sweet potato chips for around $2.50 they were quite crunchy and tasted of actual sweet potato.
I sometimes buy the terra chips and find they just taste more of oil and salt.
I forget the brand,but will buy another bag and post then.
Wouldn't mind hearing what everybody else's favourites are so I can try them.