Bluesfest dining [General]

2009 Jul 8
I was expecting the usual Little Shop of Horrors at the food stalls...but I was pleasantly surprised by the lineup of streetmeat at Bluesfest--they must have close to 20 vendors with a remarkable range of offerings (Moroccan, sushi, ribs, burgers from The Works, curry, etc.--see for details).

Tonight I had the chicken couscous from Kasbah, which was pretty decent: Chicken was moist, deftly seasoned, and nicely grilled; the vegetables (carrot, turnip, and zucchini) were fresh-tasting and not overcooked. I just wish I had added some needed some. Not the sort of couscous I would drive across town for, but tasty under the circumstances.

The stuff isn't cheap (around 8 or 8 dollars for most meals), but the portions are generous.

Oh, and I was also surprised to find that they have better beer than expected--they had Rickards Red, which is not exactly gourmet, but it is better than the usual choice of Molson Canadian, Molson Canadian, or Molson Canadian.

I would be curious if anyone has any recommendations (or warnings) to offer on their experiences.

2009 Jul 9
I agree, the options aren't that bad at all, especially considering the general state of Canadian street vendors/fast food. I really want to check the Jean Albert stall...after hearing all the good things about the resto. I enjoyed the jerk chicken and peas and rice from the Jamaican place which I had last night after fond memories last year...

2009 Jul 9
I agree with the above...finally food vendors are getting better and listening.
I think it has alot to do with restaurants getting involved with the music festivals that has raised the bar.

Open you think baked potatoes and wedges would sell at the Bluesfest. We have thought about it and were seriously considering it this year, BUT the rent is very high...we sheepishly declined.

2009 Jul 9
What was the food like at the Jazz Festival?

2009 Jul 9
Spud guy: If they were less than 5$ you would kill because there is very little smaller items under that price point, and I think people looking for a snack with their beer would be enticed...

2009 Jul 9
spud guy I only cruised through the Jazz Festival "food court" briefly this year. I was hoping to head over for lunch one day since I work nearby but the non stop rain put a damper on my plans. The only restaurant with a stand that I can "recall" seeing was the Roses Café because I was getting a hankering for Indian food at the time. The stalls seemed to be offering lots of burgers, ribs, and other fast food type stuff. (If anyone else ate there I too would love to hear feedback.) I hope in future years the jazzfest will offer up the same type of food the bluesfest offers. Spudguy this could possibly be a good business venture?

2009 Jul 9
Pasta Lover: Do you know off hand if the Roses Cafe moved? Because they're most certainly no longer on Wellington.

2009 Jul 9
LWB, if I recall correctly, Roses Cafe had two locations, one on Gladstone and one on Wellington. I think the one on Wellington got renamed to Diwali which then consequently shut down. I believer the one on Gladstone is still open.

2009 Jul 9
Are any of the Beau's beers being offered at Bluesfest this year? I know they were the exclusive supplier at Jazzfest, but I don't know if they're going to be here and I'm getting mixed signals from my Interweb searches.

2009 Jul 9
My interweb searches are leaning more towards the 'no' than the 'yes'. In so far as Beau's doesn't have it listed as an event on their page, whereas they do for the Jazz Fest (maybe because they're the official beer?)

Still there's also nothing on the Bluesfest website.

2009 Jul 9
lady who brunches I believe snoopy loopy is bang on - the Wellington location no longer exists but the Gladstone one is still there last time I checked.

2009 Jul 9
Unfortunately, the Roses Cafe location on Gladstone also closed a little over a year ago. Another restaurant has opened at that location, but I can't recall what it is at the moment. Too bad, as I really loved the Roses Cafe's vegetarian offerings. :(

2009 Jul 9
Unfortunately, the Roses Cafe location on Gladstone also closed a little over a year ago.
...which is from whence my confusion stems.

2009 Jul 9
If there is and of Beau's brew at has escaped my avid attention.

Tonight I had the spicy chicken and rice at the Thai place: Sauce was excellent--great balance of sweet, spicy, salty, sour.

2009 Jul 9
Didn't see Beau's, either, and I suspect that the price of beer went up. I don't remember paying $6.75 for a Creemore last year!

Capsule reviews of what we tried:

Jean Albert's pulled beef sandwich: *awesome*. Sweet, smoky, and a bit of yellow mustard to give it tang. I would have loved some vinegary slaw on the side but, alas, it was not meant to be.

Jean Albert's fried chicken with a side of beans: a bit less awesome. Good chicken, but needed a bit more seasoning (salt?) and had dried out a bit. The beans were nice and smoky, though.

Joey's Only fish and chips: surprisingly good! It's not the big, thick ol' piece of cod or haddock you'll get in a restaurant, but the fish was freshly fried, piping hot, and deliciously crispy.

2009 Jul 10
Stay away from the mexican stall. Ain't nothing mexican about it!

No Beau's. Molson has exclusive rights to the event.

And the Creemore is $7! I'm just happy when it doesn't sell out by 8 PM.

2009 Jul 10
Yeah, by the time Second-Beer-O'Clock rolled around they were out of Creemore. What do you expect? It's 50% more beer than those Heinekens for the same price. I was dumb for not getting Creemore in the first place. Stupid two Heinies for fifteen bucks.

2009 Jul 11
I had the pulled meat sandwich ($9) from the Jean Albert food stall last night. It was delicious! I tried some of my girlfriend's fried chicken ($11) and it was just as good. Be warned that the portions are small though.

After reading so much about the restaurant it was great to get a taste of what the buzz is about. I can't wait to visit!

2009 Jul 12
Joey's Famous Fish ($9) from Joey's Only comes with 2 decent sized pieces of pollock and a modest amount of fries. As Bluesfest prices go it's a pretty good deal. Surprisingly tasty as well. The haddock and fries is $3 more.

2009 Jul 13
I would love it if we sold Beau's, but sadly we don't. The drink line-up is as follows in the Lounge (all in cans, no draft). The Wired tent has a similar line-up.
- Canadian; Coors Light; Heineken; Creemore (when we don't run out)
- Mike's Hard Lemonade; Pink Lemonade; Cranberry
- Mott's Caesars
- Mixed drinks (Vodka; Rum; Gin; Whiskey) and mixers include tonic, ginger ale, cranberry plus the rest of the drink line-up
- Wines include: 2 Pinot Grigios; a Chardonnay; Rosé; Syrah Blend; Merlot
- Coke, Diet Coke, Iced Tea, Water, Vitamin Waters, Red Bull, Sugarfree Red Bull, Sprite.

If you like tabasco, lemon or lime with any of the above drinks, bring it along as we don't offer it. :)

We sold Creemore last year when we staffed a now defunct tent in Corporate Suites and it was $6.50 or $6.75.

2009 Jul 13
Thanks, Ollie, for the tip on the pulled beef sandwich at Jean Albert. Excellent, as you describe. The sandwich was nice but for $9 I kind of expected a little something to go with it--maybe some cole slaw, some chips, etc.

2009 Jul 15
The prices at the Blues may seem high, but thats because the food vendors pay 20% of their gross as rent. So for every $10 they pay $2 food equipment...etc. etc.

2009 Jul 16
I had the chicken parm sub ($8) from Arturo's Beechwood last night. I thought it was a little light on the sauce but the chicken and bun were great and it left me full. It was accompanied by a very small tortellini salad/garnish.

Also over the last few days I've had the organic burger ($6) and poutine ($6) from Friday's. Poutine was decent but the gravy was cold?! Burger was ok.

I also had the poutine ($6) at the "sausage" truck parked near the Hard Rock Stage. Similarly it was ok but the gravy was cold. WTF?

Oh, and a slice of veggie pizza ($3.78) from Pizza Pizza. Nothing special but probably your best bang for the buck if you want to save a few dollars for another beer.

2009 Jul 19
The best deal to be had is a quick walk up Preston to Luciano's for an italian deli sandwich. I really don't know why they (or Dirienzo's) haven't setup a food stand. Some vietnamese subs at a Co Cham stand would be swell as well.

I only had to eat at Bluesfest once last weekend. I was watching a great band by the name of Okkervil River and I got hungry so I just sauntered over to the sausage truck and grabbed one for 6 bucks. Nice option of fried onions and peppers.

check out my photos:

and some reviews:

2009 Jul 20
Hi All,

Well we were there a good part of this the last weekend...

Our samplings included:

Jean Albert's Pulled Beef Sandwich - Delicious (no complaints... infact we should have stuck with the Jean Albert's food offerings the rest of the weekend)

Roses Cafe - Butter Chicken (Not buttery, and the sauce was waaaay too runny)

Fadi's - Chicken Shawarma (not as good as Fadi used to make a couple of years ago... to garlic was overpowering and too much hot sauce)

Fadi's - French Fries with Gravy (Fries and Gravy was tasty, but indeed as other's have said, gravy was cold).

Beavertails - Cinnamon & Sugar (believe it was brown sugar) - Excellent

Nana's Kettle Korn - (The guy walking around selling Popcorn) - Surprisingly good


"The Man" found the Creemore Springs cans on night one, and tried to stick with those whenever he wanted a beer... the downside wasn't for us that they SOLD OUT but rather that the line-up was so freakin LONG!

On other occasions he had some Molson Canadian Draft, or we both enjoyed a couple of Mike's Hard Lemonades.

I had wine a couple of times... the conversation the First Night went like this"

Food & Think - "Do you have any wine?"
Volunteer - "Ya"
Food & Think - "Do you know what kind?"
Volunteer - "Ya Red & White"

I smiled, and said ok, I'll have a glass of the Red (hey, been a Volunteer, appreciate the effort it takes).

Which contrasted remarkedly to Afternoon Two, when the Volunteer brought me a bottle of Red Wine to check out... too funny (the guy behind me wanted to know if I was going to buy it all).

Of course service over at the Wired Tent (which we discovered Evening Two... while retreating from the rain) was vastly different with a wide assortment of alcohol available. There they even had a list of wines posted, and volunteer staff that didn't look like they needed to be carded themselves, LOL.

Overall, no real issues with alcohol, it was all decent enough... and we had no problems with the line-ups to get our bracelets (did that both days immediately in the afternoon when we arrived on site).

=== === ===

As an aside, I am hoping that Jean Albert's did well at Bluesfest overall, and maybe Leroy will stop by OF and tell us how it went and his impressions of being a Vendor. Certainly hope they will be back for 2010, because by far they seemed to have the best food on site.

2010 Jul 7
Tomorrow will be my first night at Bluesfest this year. Anyone been already and cares to share their tips on this years selection of food vendors?

From reading someones blog I see Roses Cafe are there serving up curry so thats a potential candidate for my Thursday night dining.

I see that Mill Street Brewery are the main beer supplier this year so I'm good on that front. Just stick my name on a barrel of Tankhouse Ale ...


2010 Jul 8
I normally go with Tankhouse, but in this weather I recommend the Stock Ale, particularly at the beer tent at back of Hard Rock was frostily cold last night and definitely refreshing.

2010 Jul 8
I've been both days so far and i must say the food lineup has alot of variety...Fadi's 3 booths of usual offerings, the Works, East Side Mario's, Joey's, Choc. Fondue and Smoothies, 2 bar-b-que places, Organic burgers (really????), ice cream, Kettle Corn, Rosie's, Thai, Savana Cafe, BeaverTails...
and there's a booth selling these amazing wedges with garlic or curry or mayo dips or loaded, with a caesar or garden salad...they are WONDERFUL!

2010 Jul 8
:) Even without knowing that you run the place, Spud Guy, the wedges sound really damn good. We're going to be there all weekend, so we'll pick some up!

2010 Jul 8
Last night's food was expensive and bland. Yes, I do realize that many 'dumb it down' when cooking for the masses in order to appeal to the broadest range but still some flavour/texture would have been nice.

I do not recommend the pulled pork with coleslaw and beans from the concessions across from the Claridge Homes Stage. Bland and somewhat ropey (yet also mushy in places) pork, with a barely there sauce that did nothing (no vinegary zing, so mustardy pep, no earthy smokey peppers, no hint of fire - just basically a bit of a lube), on a soft bun with an almost cloud like fluff texture, almost flavourless mushy beans (sadly would have been better off opening huge industrial cans of Libbys or Heins etc.) with an OK coleslaw.

The highlight was the sweet potato fries from the Works and it was good. (Tip: if you ask for them in a tray instead of the bag, it is easier to eat and you'll have a place to put your ketchup or sauce.

I will be at the festival 6 out of 7 days with the usual suspects for festival vendors and though I fully intend to have the Kettle Corn (as I have been craving it for months), I think that I am going to try not to eat there too often. As I don't want to pay $$$ money for meh or blah convenience food made for a captive audience.

2010 Jul 8
Savana Cafe had some good food. Deep fried plaintain, fish cakes, and Ginger Zing ( a ginger beer-like concoction, non-alcoholic) were all tasty. However, I would say the portions were definitely NOT GENEROUS, and they charged a dollar extra for dipping sauce. WTF? The problem is that they are basically taking an appetizer from a menu, which has a fairly small portion size for $6, and giving you the same thing at a festival. A $6 plate of poutine would have 5 times the mass of what you get for $6 of fish cakes. I ended up having two orders of fish cakes (loved them), but came away $13 poorer, and still hungry.

I also tried the Roses Cafe Lamb Curry. Meh. Twelve dollars, and they were stingy with the rice, with no zing to the flavour. Also, the meat they were using was not the de-boned variety, so I had to 'eat around' a couple bones on my plate. I mind this less in a resto, but at an outdoor festival, I expect the food to be easy for me to eat (which means.. no bones to pick around).

Kettle Corn - AWESOME!

Mill St. Beer - Keep it coming (esp when it's free.. thanks Kevin)

Tonight, I will definitely be trying Spud Guy's wedges...

2010 Jul 8
Free beer? Where do I sign up? Tell me your secret, Pete!

2010 Jul 8
The Kettle Corn is the best I've had! Plus the guy that makes it is a really nice guy.
My daughter had the iced coffee from S.C. and she was wired...its wicked.

I must find Kevin...he's the man!

2010 Jul 9
I would call myself a fairly uncoordinated concert goer, likely to make a big mess without a table to sit at, so I was on the lookout for handheld foods last night.
After checking out the vendors near the Claridge/MBNA stages, I decided to try the Greek place (closer to the left side). My boyfriend had the chicken souvlaki pita and I had the beef version. Both were delicious! I really recommend the beef.

My plan backfired, though. Those pitas were packed, and it ended up being one of the messiest foods I've ever eaten. But no matter -- I was already a big, soggy mess from the downpour.

Did anyone else love that rain last night? Whew! What a relief!

2010 Jul 9
The Mill Stree Brewery Tent has Deep fried pickles which is a fave of mine, YUM! Oh, and the sweet potato fries in there looked good (didn`t taste them) and are less expensive than at the Works booth.

I had a bite of a friend`s pecan encrusted chicken pops, (kind of like a schnitzel on a stick) they sound better than they tasted but a good try at making an easy to eat food.

2010 Jul 11
I've tried a few things at Bluesfest in the 3 days that I've been so far. I also tried the BBQ place across from the Claridge stage and it was very disappointing. On the bright side, I tried Backyard BBQ near the Subway stage and they were pretty good as there was a little taste of smoke. The kettle corn was really tasty and the pecan chicken pops were as live4food said and not a bad attempt for festival food. I'm still excited that they're not full of corporate food options and allows you to try local restaurants and caterers. Looking forward to trying the brisket sandwich at Backyard BBQ and will probably try some other items in the 4 days I have left to go at the festival!

2010 Jul 12
I got to try the Potato Wedges on Saturday, and have to say they were quite tasty. Good job Spud Guy! Savana Cafe seemed to have stopped charging extra for the dipping sauce, as apparently Bluesfest organizers told them they could not charge for extras that were not on their posted menu (maybe they read this site? ). Fish cakes still quite tasty... mmmm.

2010 Jul 12
I agree with cwilker10, on both BBQ counts AND the kettle corn was really tasty and it is something I definitely want more of.

Re: Pete-In-Ottawa's comment about the extras

"Main Stage Vendor
As part of the application process, vendors will present a maximum of four (4) individually priced items that will be sold from the vending booth. Your final menu is subject to approval and may not change at all unless approved first by Bluesfest. Selected vendors may only sell those items listed on the vendor application and approved to sell. Vendors may not sell any additional items. Your vendor booth will immediately be shut down if discovered items are being sold not approved by Bluesfest. In addition, the Festival reserves the right to specify that certain items cannot be sold."

2010 Jul 12
I keep hearing about this kettle corn! Possibly stupid question alert: Are you guys referring to the bags of popcorn that those vendors carry around the stages on huge hobo sticks?

2010 Jul 12
Correct yessi! The vendor that sends the people with the hobo sticks of bags of popcorn is situated beside the Savana Cafe vendor at the west end of the main concourse. And they actually cook the popcorn in a huge kettle... entertaining if you see it.

2010 Jul 13
Agreed, Pete: I got wedges and a salad and it was delish. Great alternative to the burgers and pulled pork and whatnot. Tough to eat while standing in a crowd, but I think that applies to everything you buy at Bluesfest ;)

2010 Jul 13
It feels wrong that I am more excited for fish cakes, wedges and kettlecorn tonight than I am for Arcade Fire. :)

2010 Jul 13
This fish cakes are good but they're not THAT good! Although I did eat two servings of them during the Flaming Lips encore...

2010 Jul 13
OMG I can't believe I haven't been to any bluesfest stuff yet!!!

Deep fried pickles at the mill street tent!!! I want some now!!! Does anyone know of a pub in ottawa that makes deep fried pickles?

2010 Jul 13
Royal Oak does :)

2010 Jul 13
Try The Cheshire Cat in Carp (West Ottawa).

2010 Jul 13
the Brig does

2010 Jul 14
Fish cakes were pretty good, but what I enjoyed most was taking one of those dipping sauces without paying. Hahah, take that.

2010 Jul 15
Also, Buster's Bar and Grill does (I usually never promote for somewhere I work, but we have had good things said by customers on our Deep Fried Pickles so I thought I would share - even though I hate pickles)

2010 Jul 16
Had my favourite dinner at Bluesfest yet, last night -- a pulled-pork sandwich with beans and 'slaw. To be honest, I've only had about three pulled-pork sammies in my lifetime, but this one was the best because it wasn't too saucy or overly sweet. Mmmm... 16-hour slow cooked pork. And the beans were delicious. Got it from the smokehouse (?) vendor across from the Claridge Stage.

2010 Jul 16
Yessi, I didn't know there was another pulled pork spot. I got mine close to the Subway stage. Maybe the same vendor. Also, yummolicious... that's a word, I looked it up

2010 Jul 16
@Chopper They are different vendors and you already had the better one of the two.

2010 Jul 16
I think it was the most generous thing I had there. $6 for a pile of meat. My earlier (yes...same evening, lol) shawarma was $9.50! Prefered the pulled pork on bun.

Also enjoyed the deep fried pickles at the beer tent. Thank you whoever mentioned that earlier in the thread. I'd prefer the beer batter type instead of breaded but it was still a great treat with a stock ale.

2010 Jul 18
I had the fish cakes from Savana Cafe last night. They've increased the price to $7 to get around the issue of not being able to charge extra for the sauce. Good for them I suppose but I can't help feel cynical about the move. Not good PR. Cakes were decent.

Did anyone catch the "Sauce Boss" Bill Wharton yesterday? I missed him but he makes a pot of gumbo during his set and the audience gets a taste after the show. Sounds great! He's also playing today at 4:15 PM but I won't be able to make it.

2010 Jul 19
Liked the sweet potato fries at the organic spot--and when we were hungry and needed something quick we kept coming back to the Jamaicain patties at Mugena Enterprises--delicious and only 3$ a piece--Our group ate alot of theses over the course of BF!

2011 Apr 11
I only recently realized that I hadn't shared this tip. For me it started as a Bluesfest thing and is now an anytime thing.

On Bluesfest weekends (re: the early start) I stop in at Phuoc Loi (on Sommerset at Booth for a box of noodle rolls (very much like dim sum's Chee cheong fun, I think they may be called; kuay-tiao lod) to go. The ones with pork in them are $5, are a large portion and come with a vinegar based sauce. There are also available plain and I think are $4. They usually have them from when the store opens till they're sold out.

Another thing I tend to grab on my way there there are Banh Mi. :) Sooooo tasty.

2011 Jul 5
I just thought I'd bump this thread as it is the first day of Bluesfest. I am relatively new to Ottawa (almost a year now) and am volunteering at Bluesfest slinging beer at the Mill Street Pub. I am so excited about my upcoming first shift tomorrow and so have been touring this forum. I am definitely on-board for deep-fried pickles? I am just curious. Does anyone know what the volunteer food is like? I won't complain as I think it is pretty cool that they are willing to feed me at all. Also, if anyone has any info on this years' food booths, let us know. I'll be looking for the Spudguy! See you all at Bluesfest!

2011 Jul 5
@ddueck The website shows this year's Volunteer Services Outdoor Blues Café menu. (Note this menu can change without notice and will not be updated daily.)

I seen nothing on the site about who this year's food vendors are but it would be nice. If/when you go to the festival please make note of who is there and if you can what is on offer. Thanks.

2011 Jul 6
I got back on the Bluesfest bus last night and here is what I noted about the food:

- There's a new layout this year and as a result the main stage food vendors have been moved to the east end, close to the new main entrance; the placement of the Subway stage vendors remains the same.

- Most of the same vendors as last year are back, plus or minus one or two.

- I had a smoked meat sandwich w/fries from Fitz's Catering. It was very passable for an Ottawa "smoker" and the hand-cut fries were delicious. At $8 it's a good deal. They had a few other hot sandwiches that looked good.

2011 Jul 7
Here is a rundown of your food options this year. I think I wrote them all down.

As Ollie mentions, the layout is different this year.
* In the main area opposite the Claridge stage there is a row with the bulk of the stalls. They are limited to 4 items (if I only list 3, the 4th was water)
* On the side next to the stage there are 4 more stalls, which seemed to have much shorter lineups (if you are impatient like me).
* The Subway stage area has a few more vendors (they get to use their own truck/stall and don't seem to be limited to 4 items like the ones in the main area).

Main area – opposite side to stages

The Works
Headliner burger
Sweet potato strings

Jamie's cracked corn
Kettle corn
Cotton candy
Ice tea

Epicerie Poukham
Pad Thai chicken
Pad Thai veggie
Chicken curry with rice

Chocolate fondue and fresh fruit
Choc fondue
Fruit smoothies

Fitz's catering
Philly cheese steak bun with hot crispy chips
Smoked meat on rye and fries
Meatball sub and fries
Jerk chicken and sweet potato fries

Iceco ltd

Spicy Rays zucchini hut
Onion rings

Greek wrap
Chicken Divine
Beef Divine
Greek salad

Jamaican patties
Jerk chicken dinner
Curry goat

Baton rouge
Baby back ribs
Pulled pork sandwich
Prime rib sandwich

Cinnamon and sugar
Apple and cinnamon
Coco vanilla

Fadis shawarma
Garlic potatoes

Fadis Fries
Chicken Poutine
Chicken fingers and fries

Fadis hot dogs
Hot Dog
Cajun sausage
even more Poutine

Main area - stage side

Mercado Latino

Roses Indian
Veggie samosas
Butter chicken and rice
Lamb curry and rice
Veg curry and rice

2 piece fish & chips
2 piece haddock & chips
Shrimp & chips

Mini Donuts
Mini donuts
Funnel cake

Subway stage area

Pizza Pizza (slice/combo/whole)

Fridays Organics
Veggie burger
Sweet potato fries
Onion rings

Backyard BBQ Co
Pulled pork sandwich
Beef brisket sandwich
Baked beans
Beef jerky

Lemonade stand
erm, well lemonade. Not really a food vendor, but if you want lemonade you may as well go to the stall in the shape of a lemon.

B Goods Bakery
Cookies (various types, but the menu was annoying small to read).
Tea/coffee/Hot choc


2011 Jul 7
The 2 piece haddock & chips from Digbys was good, and at $10 was reasonable value (I will order again). If you go for the less specific 'fish' then it's just $8. The fish is fried to order so there is a little wait, but this is offset by the fact it's fresh and there was likely less time lining up anyway (see post above). And they had malt vinegar :)

I also tried the sweet potato fries from Fridays Organics. It was opening night and crazy busy, but they had a good system going where a (very animated) guy would take your order in the lineup. Then you worked your way to the window to pay and then off to the side to collect. My fries were very fresh & nice enough, but pricey for the small portion (about 1 potato). I later realised I was overcharged ($7 instead of $6) so I felt doubly ripped off.

Notably absent - Spud Guy :(

Also, I didn't include the food at the Millstreet Brewpub in the post above. I assume they have food again, but with the new layout (sandwiched between the 2 main stages) I couldn't be bothered to fight my way to it.


2011 Jul 7
Had the chicken curry from Epicerie Poukham - nice sized portion - filled the plate (8" plate). Chicken, zucchini, peppers, slivered hearts of palm, kaffir lime leaves and fresh basil. Nice option of putting ground peanuts or sweet chili sauce on if you wish.

I also tried my husbands jerk chicken sandwich and sweet potato fries from Fitz's Catering. A large (Costo sized) triangluar multi-grain bun filled with simmered jerk chicken - good flavour. The sweet potato fries were cooked nicely and came with a side of spicy mayo. Curry chicken and rice $8 + water $2. Jerk chicken sandwich $9. Both good value for the money, in my opinion. I wouldn't mind trying Epicerie's Pad Thai if I went back - it looked good as well.

2011 Jul 10
I do not recommend the Prime Rib sandwich from Baton Rouge. Pretty tasteless roast beef sammy with a bit of coleslaw for $12.