New post to my food blog - Floribbean cuisine! [General]
2009 Apr 13
Hey Carling Ave Foodie - how about actually contributing some content to this site rather than just doing drive-by spammings whenever you feel like pimping your own site? I'm sure you probably have something worthwhile to contribute.
I'd certainly be more inclined to go look at your blog if you were even a semi-regular contributor here (Ron Eades finally has me following him :-)). But as it stands you've made 2 posts here and they were both promoting your site. No thanks - I have no interest in supporting a spammer.
I'd certainly be more inclined to go look at your blog if you were even a semi-regular contributor here (Ron Eades finally has me following him :-)). But as it stands you've made 2 posts here and they were both promoting your site. No thanks - I have no interest in supporting a spammer.
2009 Apr 13
A valid point, mon ami. Please check out my contributions to "Fleur de sel" and "Fresh chick peas". And, I hasten to add, those were posted not to pose as a "legitimate" member of this site, but because those topics interested me.
I chose to post info about my blog on this site, not to "pimp" it, as you so colourfully put it, but because I thought my blog would be of interest to Ottawa Foodies. I added a second post because I was away for two weeks and wanted to let interested parties (of which there were some, I am pleased to say) know that I had posted new content.
I appreciate your concern about content on this forum. If you have any other suggestions about how I could get the word out to other interested foodies I would be delighted to hear them.
Ms. Foodie
I chose to post info about my blog on this site, not to "pimp" it, as you so colourfully put it, but because I thought my blog would be of interest to Ottawa Foodies. I added a second post because I was away for two weeks and wanted to let interested parties (of which there were some, I am pleased to say) know that I had posted new content.
I appreciate your concern about content on this forum. If you have any other suggestions about how I could get the word out to other interested foodies I would be delighted to hear them.
Ms. Foodie
2009 Apr 14
I *think* the point that Zymurgist was trying to make (and correct me if I`m wrong), is that Ms. Foodie, while your writing is very strong and you have contributed to the forums, there is certainly the opportunity for your to explore more of what this site has to offer. I would be interested in seeing some of your reviews of food vendors on this site, in addition to reading your blog.
2009 Apr 14
Back on topic - Florida is a weird mixing pot of cuisine, you get some creole influence, pit BBQ, Cuban, Mexican, Guatemalan, good ole American... the list goes on. The product they have to work with is insane too, their access to fresh seafood is astonishing - stone crab, lobster, snapper, roughy, marlin, different varieties of shrimp, etc. I hit a few celebrity chef restaurants when I was down there, all experiences were excellent... eating BBQ off the back of some dude's truck in the middle of swampland was most excellent (transcendent, because it was totally unexpected) as well. There's an undeniable, in your face, commercial element to the entire state, but if you take a trip about 10 minutes off the main drag in any direction, you are almost assured to be rewarded as a foodie.
2009 Apr 14
Ms Foodie - Gotta say I agree with Zym & LWB - You haven't been around long, and it does "seem" like most of your posts have been "flogging" your Blog (almost spamish IMO).... If you can write a Review about a place in Florida, you can certainly write one about a place in Ottawa (and I don't mean "here's the link").
Just my 2 point 5 cents US.
Chimichimi - Gotta agree 100%, Florida certainly has exciting (and yummy) cuisine. And now that the Ottawa area has real honest to goodness Southern Soul Food with Jean Albert's - I'm a hoping that someone comes along an opens an authentic crab shack, even just seasonally on the side of a lake somewheres! (After my Kemptville experience, I am more than willing to drive).
Just my 2 point 5 cents US.
Chimichimi - Gotta agree 100%, Florida certainly has exciting (and yummy) cuisine. And now that the Ottawa area has real honest to goodness Southern Soul Food with Jean Albert's - I'm a hoping that someone comes along an opens an authentic crab shack, even just seasonally on the side of a lake somewheres! (After my Kemptville experience, I am more than willing to drive).
2009 Apr 14
I will also point out that I do my own share of trying to get people from this site over to my site. At times I'll post the identical article in both places, and on this site I'll precede it with something like "The following is verbatim from my article at URL" and give the link to the same article on my page (with hopes that someone will click it wondering what else I might have over there).
However, the percentage of posts I make where i do that is extremely small (even when I've been doing more of them these days with my video links). Primarily I hang out here because it is a great place to hang out, and I like contributing, and reading the contributions of others.
There is nothing at all wrong with doing that IMO, as long as you are contributing to this site. Though strictly speaking, Fresh Foodies does let people spam the site without contributing - Chocoholic has been doing it for years now. But people do give her guff about it from time to time (not so much recently), and anyone else who does the same should expect the same.
However, the percentage of posts I make where i do that is extremely small (even when I've been doing more of them these days with my video links). Primarily I hang out here because it is a great place to hang out, and I like contributing, and reading the contributions of others.
There is nothing at all wrong with doing that IMO, as long as you are contributing to this site. Though strictly speaking, Fresh Foodies does let people spam the site without contributing - Chocoholic has been doing it for years now. But people do give her guff about it from time to time (not so much recently), and anyone else who does the same should expect the same.
2009 Apr 14
Zym - Ok, personally, I don't see Chocoholic as spamming the site, she posts ONE ongoing Forum topic and updates it regularly on what cooking classes are being featured. Cooking Classes are an important part of the Ottawa Foodie Scene, IMO. Now if she took to creating a whole lot of new topics, I might be ticked (such as Ms Foodie is doing)... but one is hardly a pain, I can click in and learn what is going on, or I can hit the IGNORE Button (which BTW will IGNORE that particular topic forever).
Plus it is all timing... as you stated here early on in this topic, Ms Foodie is new and todate hasn't contributed much else to this site other than several Forum topics that don't promote discussion, so much as her Blog... there is definitely a fine line on what works when it comes to "self promotion" on this site, and what is a turn-off.
If you re-read the post at the topic of this topic, NO WHERE is there a sentence to initiate any sort of a discussion... it is pure out-and-out promo for her Blog. Whereas, you typically say something about your latest "foodie adventure" that initiates discussion amongst us... way different in my opinion (and probably why I enjoy your posts, and do find myself making the decision to check out your Blog, Videos, from time to time). Very different... you are adding to my overall foodie knowledge, and not just to a list of more things I "should" check out on the Internet someday.
Plus it is all timing... as you stated here early on in this topic, Ms Foodie is new and todate hasn't contributed much else to this site other than several Forum topics that don't promote discussion, so much as her Blog... there is definitely a fine line on what works when it comes to "self promotion" on this site, and what is a turn-off.
If you re-read the post at the topic of this topic, NO WHERE is there a sentence to initiate any sort of a discussion... it is pure out-and-out promo for her Blog. Whereas, you typically say something about your latest "foodie adventure" that initiates discussion amongst us... way different in my opinion (and probably why I enjoy your posts, and do find myself making the decision to check out your Blog, Videos, from time to time). Very different... you are adding to my overall foodie knowledge, and not just to a list of more things I "should" check out on the Internet someday.
2009 Apr 14
I thought we were talking floribbean food?
worked down there between 82 - 84 right after the riots
interesting times
interesting foods
and my first time working in a wholefoods resto
and walking down to the end of the street and finding sand dabs! num num!
oh! and having that freaky Reagan staying at the hotel I worked before leaving M"e"ami
food was great!
fresh seafoods
lots of ethnic influences
bus drivers that had no clue
cab drivers having less
and then everyday drivers trying to make right turns from left lanes
wanna know how to make a spoon stand up str8?
stick it into a cup of Cuban much sugar!! need insulin!
worked down there between 82 - 84 right after the riots
interesting times
interesting foods
and my first time working in a wholefoods resto
and walking down to the end of the street and finding sand dabs! num num!
oh! and having that freaky Reagan staying at the hotel I worked before leaving M"e"ami
food was great!
fresh seafoods
lots of ethnic influences
bus drivers that had no clue
cab drivers having less
and then everyday drivers trying to make right turns from left lanes
wanna know how to make a spoon stand up str8?
stick it into a cup of Cuban much sugar!! need insulin!
2009 Apr 15
Yes, Florida is an interesting mix. I had my first exposure to Cuban food there. I love the Columbia restaurant.
I recall eating my first Cuban sandwich in Ybor City(Tampa) when I was 8.
I had some good Greek Food in Tarpon Springs where they do a lot of sponge fishing.
I actually found some old cook books of my mother's from Florida- interesting Carribean/Cuban/Hispanic/American mixes.
I don't think I've had a hushpuppy since I was 8.
I recall eating my first Cuban sandwich in Ybor City(Tampa) when I was 8.
I had some good Greek Food in Tarpon Springs where they do a lot of sponge fishing.
I actually found some old cook books of my mother's from Florida- interesting Carribean/Cuban/Hispanic/American mixes.
I don't think I've had a hushpuppy since I was 8.
2009 Apr 15
Hello folks,
I have read your comments carefully, and I would like to say that I certainly intend to become an involved member of Ottawa Foodies. I have just started exploring my interest in reading and writing about food, and it is wonderful to find that there are other people out there who have a similar passion for gastronomy. I secretly fretted that I was a glutton because I thought about food so often - I mean, I get cranky if I go to a party and the food isn't good!
That being said, I think that new visitors to Ottawa Foodies would benefit from guidelines on good conduct for the forum, particularly in regard to advertising. Is this listed somewhere? I looked in the "Help" section under "How to be a good Ottawa Foodies citizen" and I didn't see anything related to this. Perhaps this is common "netiquette", but for newbies such as I, who are new to Internet posting, it would be helpful. Otherwise, given the explosion of blogs (many of which are food related - I can't guess why!) I think you might receive many more posts from new visitors enthusiastic about promoting their food blogs.
To return to the topic of Floribbean cuisine - I am very jealous of Chimichimi's swampland experience. How did you come to be stuck there? And what were you barbecuing?
Chef Obi, what are sand dabs? Are they available in Ottawa?
I have read your comments carefully, and I would like to say that I certainly intend to become an involved member of Ottawa Foodies. I have just started exploring my interest in reading and writing about food, and it is wonderful to find that there are other people out there who have a similar passion for gastronomy. I secretly fretted that I was a glutton because I thought about food so often - I mean, I get cranky if I go to a party and the food isn't good!
That being said, I think that new visitors to Ottawa Foodies would benefit from guidelines on good conduct for the forum, particularly in regard to advertising. Is this listed somewhere? I looked in the "Help" section under "How to be a good Ottawa Foodies citizen" and I didn't see anything related to this. Perhaps this is common "netiquette", but for newbies such as I, who are new to Internet posting, it would be helpful. Otherwise, given the explosion of blogs (many of which are food related - I can't guess why!) I think you might receive many more posts from new visitors enthusiastic about promoting their food blogs.
To return to the topic of Floribbean cuisine - I am very jealous of Chimichimi's swampland experience. How did you come to be stuck there? And what were you barbecuing?
Chef Obi, what are sand dabs? Are they available in Ottawa?
2009 Apr 15
Ms Foodie - Glad to hear that you've decided to become an involved member, the more the merrier.
As for your Question about Netiquette... Let me offer the following points:
1 - When joining an online community (which Ottawa Foodies is) think of it as joining any other community in the real 3D world. One hears about the group, researches the group, and goes to a intro meeting. At the intro meeting one should listen more than talk, one doesn't give their opinion as being the ONLY valid one. One doesn't throw out a sales pitch immediately (even if it is one's intention to network). One doesn't put down others, doesn't swear or yell.
So in the Internet world that translates to:
•Familiarize oneself with the Mandate of the Group:
We are a community of dedicated food enthusiasts sharing our knowledge of Ottawa restaurants, shops and individual menu items. Through hard work, mutual respect and an almost fanatical commitment to eating, we have created Ottawa's most comprehensive and accurate restaurant listing and food review site.
This is a positive objective site, not a negative one... we are far more interested in finding GOOD FOOD than always looking for the bad.
•One is not rude to fellow members, one doesn't call others nasty names (real or implied... terms such as "Wine Snob" or "the Mercedes Owning Foodies" for example), or suggest that the members of Ottawa Foodies or their interests aren't as tantalizing as "those in another city" (Toronto, Vancouver and NYC for example).
•One doesn't spam the site, promote their business, or shill for another... one waits to establish a repport with the other members... (think how no one wants to be cornered by a newcomer with "an Agenda" at a cocktail party).
•One doesn't use foul language ("shitty food", for example) if one must use colourful language, find a way to apologize for it, or to be polite in it's usuage, as not everyone has the same background or value system (ie crappy food, gawd-awful, d@mn slow). And overly graphic description of bodily functions... well lets just say, they have no place in the same topic as food! AND OF COURSE THE CONTINUOUS USE OF ALL CAPS IS TIRESOME (and perceived as shouting). Although one can use them occasionally to EMPHASIZE a word, but BOLD, Italics or "Quotes" are also useful tools.
2 - This is the Internet, not everyone wants their identity known, some here on Ottawa Foodies for professional reasons (Food Critics, Food Writers, Food Tv People, Restaurant Owners, Caters, Chefs, Bakers, Butchers, Food Service People, HR Types, etc). And some people just are very protective of their privacy (and that should always be respected and protected). So even if you know some one's real name in the 3D world, one should never out them... not even if they have outed themselves on Ottawa Foodies in a previous post... Play it safe, ALWAYS use their User Name. (For the same reason, don't post any personal details about another User, nor anyone's photograph without asking their permission first).
3 - Because this is a written vs visual media, not every emotion can be clearly understood... have a sense of humour (and an e-motion such as a "smiley" :-) or a "wink" ;-) handy when needed). And always be prepared to apologize if you've been misunderstood.
4 - As already mentioned, think of this Community in the same way as you would one in the 3D world... if it isn't something you'd say to the person in real life, then it probably isn't something you should be typing.
5 - And lastly, and most importantly... all netiquette faux pas as an early poster can be forgiven with the right attitude.
* Just to be clear on this, these are a group of Netiquette courtesies that I've been working on for awhile... (Fresh Foodie and I have discussed) they are based on general accepted practices on Internet Etiquette as well as some occurances that are specific to Ottawa Foodies. They no way reflect any "one" user, but more specifically a collection of events that have happened on the site over the last year... that initiated discussion at that time.
As for your Question about Netiquette... Let me offer the following points:
1 - When joining an online community (which Ottawa Foodies is) think of it as joining any other community in the real 3D world. One hears about the group, researches the group, and goes to a intro meeting. At the intro meeting one should listen more than talk, one doesn't give their opinion as being the ONLY valid one. One doesn't throw out a sales pitch immediately (even if it is one's intention to network). One doesn't put down others, doesn't swear or yell.
So in the Internet world that translates to:
•Familiarize oneself with the Mandate of the Group:
We are a community of dedicated food enthusiasts sharing our knowledge of Ottawa restaurants, shops and individual menu items. Through hard work, mutual respect and an almost fanatical commitment to eating, we have created Ottawa's most comprehensive and accurate restaurant listing and food review site.
This is a positive objective site, not a negative one... we are far more interested in finding GOOD FOOD than always looking for the bad.
•One is not rude to fellow members, one doesn't call others nasty names (real or implied... terms such as "Wine Snob" or "the Mercedes Owning Foodies" for example), or suggest that the members of Ottawa Foodies or their interests aren't as tantalizing as "those in another city" (Toronto, Vancouver and NYC for example).
•One doesn't spam the site, promote their business, or shill for another... one waits to establish a repport with the other members... (think how no one wants to be cornered by a newcomer with "an Agenda" at a cocktail party).
•One doesn't use foul language ("shitty food", for example) if one must use colourful language, find a way to apologize for it, or to be polite in it's usuage, as not everyone has the same background or value system (ie crappy food, gawd-awful, d@mn slow). And overly graphic description of bodily functions... well lets just say, they have no place in the same topic as food! AND OF COURSE THE CONTINUOUS USE OF ALL CAPS IS TIRESOME (and perceived as shouting). Although one can use them occasionally to EMPHASIZE a word, but BOLD, Italics or "Quotes" are also useful tools.
2 - This is the Internet, not everyone wants their identity known, some here on Ottawa Foodies for professional reasons (Food Critics, Food Writers, Food Tv People, Restaurant Owners, Caters, Chefs, Bakers, Butchers, Food Service People, HR Types, etc). And some people just are very protective of their privacy (and that should always be respected and protected). So even if you know some one's real name in the 3D world, one should never out them... not even if they have outed themselves on Ottawa Foodies in a previous post... Play it safe, ALWAYS use their User Name. (For the same reason, don't post any personal details about another User, nor anyone's photograph without asking their permission first).
3 - Because this is a written vs visual media, not every emotion can be clearly understood... have a sense of humour (and an e-motion such as a "smiley" :-) or a "wink" ;-) handy when needed). And always be prepared to apologize if you've been misunderstood.
4 - As already mentioned, think of this Community in the same way as you would one in the 3D world... if it isn't something you'd say to the person in real life, then it probably isn't something you should be typing.
5 - And lastly, and most importantly... all netiquette faux pas as an early poster can be forgiven with the right attitude.
* Just to be clear on this, these are a group of Netiquette courtesies that I've been working on for awhile... (Fresh Foodie and I have discussed) they are based on general accepted practices on Internet Etiquette as well as some occurances that are specific to Ottawa Foodies. They no way reflect any "one" user, but more specifically a collection of events that have happened on the site over the last year... that initiated discussion at that time.
2009 Apr 15
Regarding the topic of etiquette, I feel it can be summarized up in the single word: "negativity". As in, try to avoid it. A positive review or comment is infinitely more valuable than a negative one.
On the same note I personally don't think it is fair to chastise a post because you happen to feel differently or disagree with the content. This just leads to potential posters either a) parsing their words and mitigating their language so they don't say anything that can be deemed controversial or b) not bothering to post at all.
Food is a subjective topic (I know food professionals will beg to differ, but bear with me ;) based on an individual's opinion. Opinions are great, but everybody has them, and they all offer some degree of contextual validity. At the same time it is important not to take your own opinion so seriously that you are genuinely offended when someone disagrees with you; that just stifles good discussion.
On a side note, basing criticism of a post on whether a person has been around the forum for a long time certainly doesn't promote new involvement and community, which I am sure everyone agrees is important if the site is going to grow from an influx of new ideas. In my view tenure is a concept that doesn't really apply to internet forums.
On the same note I personally don't think it is fair to chastise a post because you happen to feel differently or disagree with the content. This just leads to potential posters either a) parsing their words and mitigating their language so they don't say anything that can be deemed controversial or b) not bothering to post at all.
Food is a subjective topic (I know food professionals will beg to differ, but bear with me ;) based on an individual's opinion. Opinions are great, but everybody has them, and they all offer some degree of contextual validity. At the same time it is important not to take your own opinion so seriously that you are genuinely offended when someone disagrees with you; that just stifles good discussion.
On a side note, basing criticism of a post on whether a person has been around the forum for a long time certainly doesn't promote new involvement and community, which I am sure everyone agrees is important if the site is going to grow from an influx of new ideas. In my view tenure is a concept that doesn't really apply to internet forums.
2009 Apr 15
Hi Food & Think,
Thank you, your posting is very helpful. I think it would be a good idea to post this information in the "Help" section under "How to be a good Ottawa Foodies Citizen". Perhaps new members should also be asked to read this information when they start an account. Members of this site clearly take these informal guidelines very seriously, and it is unpleasant for a new user to unwittingly fall afoul of them, and be chastised publicly in the forum.
As well, perhaps there should be a special place where people can legitimately advertise their new blog/book/cooking classes, etc. As a foodie I would like to know about new endeavours in this area, but it seems that anybody who promotes their wares is promptly scolded. Note: I don't suggest that vendors be allowed to use that part of the site, as they can buy advertising here and other places.
Regards, Ms. Foodie
Thank you, your posting is very helpful. I think it would be a good idea to post this information in the "Help" section under "How to be a good Ottawa Foodies Citizen". Perhaps new members should also be asked to read this information when they start an account. Members of this site clearly take these informal guidelines very seriously, and it is unpleasant for a new user to unwittingly fall afoul of them, and be chastised publicly in the forum.
As well, perhaps there should be a special place where people can legitimately advertise their new blog/book/cooking classes, etc. As a foodie I would like to know about new endeavours in this area, but it seems that anybody who promotes their wares is promptly scolded. Note: I don't suggest that vendors be allowed to use that part of the site, as they can buy advertising here and other places.
Regards, Ms. Foodie
2009 Apr 15
Ms. Foodie I'm not Food&Think but I just wanted to jump in here (sorry F&T...) I'm sorry to hear you felt chastized but your first two posts just "sounded" like ads for your blog. As you visit our forum you will get to know the regulars and you will notice a few of them have their own blogs. However the information is usually posted on their profile which you will find when you click on their user icon. They will say something to the effect "I like to cook, I like to eat out, you can find my reviews on my blog" then post a link to it. And they will often review a restaurant/vendor/product and post it in a variety of places - their blog, on ottawafoodies, and other forums they might be involved with. I would also encourage you to follow F&T's rule #1 and hang out some more and get to know our "corporate culture" abit. We're a pretty fun group here in ottawafoodies and I hope to see some of your reviews!
2009 Apr 15

Ms Foodie,
sanddabs are tiny relatives to halibut, plaice, sole and other flatfish
hardly commercially fished so I doubt you'd find them in ottawa
never seen em here, never served them here nor been offered them by my fishguys
last time I saw them on a menu was as a special in SF
they range from 2-6 pounds whole and can be found on both coasts
I like the smaller ones and merely dress them and deepfry, whole, asian style then served with chilis, ginger, garlic, and tamarind juice
please note the size of the dab compared to the fillet knife
sanddabs are tiny relatives to halibut, plaice, sole and other flatfish
hardly commercially fished so I doubt you'd find them in ottawa
never seen em here, never served them here nor been offered them by my fishguys
last time I saw them on a menu was as a special in SF
they range from 2-6 pounds whole and can be found on both coasts
I like the smaller ones and merely dress them and deepfry, whole, asian style then served with chilis, ginger, garlic, and tamarind juice
please note the size of the dab compared to the fillet knife
Ms. Foodie
The Ottawa winter is dragging on long and hard. Why not come on a little tour of Florida with me? I recently came back from a trip to Orlando, the coast, and Miami. Although my food blog ( is primarily about my little corner of Ottawa at the corner of Carling and Bayshore, I decided to write about culinary encounters on my trip because...well, because I like thinking about and talking about food, and that doesn't stop when you're on vacation!
First there is a fairly long review of a restaurant I visited, then a shorter post about Disneyland. Check through the other posts to learn about some food adventures in my Ottawa neighborhood.
I hope you enjoy it!
Ms. Foodie (and her baby!)