home made ketchup [Cooking]

2008 Apr 18
My oldest son (6) said the other day that he wants to grow tomatoes this year so he can make his own ketchup :-) So we're planting romas.

I recall there is a good recipe in Anne Linday's first LIghthearted Cook Book.

2008 Apr 18
Do you remember approximately when it was published? I have a few of her cookbooks but not necessarily the complete set. I think the oldest one I have was published in 1986 or so. I can dig them up this weekend if you are looking for a recipe...

2008 Apr 18
No, not looking - I have the book in question actually. But thanks anyway.

It was more a comment on my son's connection with food and with nature - which I'm glad is a pretty positive one. I thought it was a cute thing to say, and decided to oblige him so we're going to plant some roma tomatoe probably this weekend

2008 Apr 18
Zymgurgist, is there going to be a ketchup-selling stand in your backyard sometime later this summer? It would definitely beat the usual kool aid stand!

2008 Apr 18
That's funny because he keeps saying he wants to set up a stand to sell little men made out of pipe cleaners that he makes, and I keep telling him that setting up the stand is a good idea, but he has to sell something that people actually want to buy - like Kool Aid :-)

2008 Apr 18
Okay I wasn't sure if you were looking for a recipe or making an observation... Actually about 4 or 5 years ago I started shopping at the organic farmers market in Ottawa South. Most of the vendors bring their veggies in really big plastic bins and line them up in front of their stall so they have one bin of turnips, one bin of tomatoes, etc. I was standing in line at one of the stalls one year when the brussel sprouts just came out. That particular vendor had a bin of sprouts still attached to the stalk. My dad used to have a really big vegetable garden and grew brussel sprouts among other things. So I'm thinking "Cool! He's selling them still attached to the stalks!" The man behind me in line was there with his daughter. When she spotted the sprouts she ran over to the bin and grabbed a stalk and said to her dad "These are the funniest looking brussel sprouts I have ever seen!" Then her dad said "Yes they are not at all like the ones we see in Loblaws!" I think at that moment I realized how much we have lost our connection to where our food comes from. Anway good luck with the ketchup.

2008 Apr 18
Pasta Lover - Great story!

Zym - I think it is great that your son is interested in food and it's connection to the earth at such a young age. This is a great Dad & Me activity to have this summer, prepping the plot (pot), planting the seeds (plants), watering, nurturing, watching, waiting, harvesting, and then finally making the ketchup. And of course, getting to eat his reward all winter. This will be a great memory for him.

2008 Apr 18

2008 Apr 18
Food&Think I definitely agree with your comments. My dad was an avid gardener and he had a huge vegetable garden as well as large flower garden. The neighbours certainly appreciated the flowers! But I loved having the vegetable garden. I loved going out first thing in the morning and picking a tomato for breakfast (who says they aren't breakfast food!?), choosing which vegetables I can have for supper, etc. I missed the garden alot when I first moved out - the grocery store vegetables don't come anywhere close to what my dad grew. I am still surprised that people (adults included) have no idea what their vegetables look like when they come out of the garden. Makes me appreciate my dad's efforts even more. I think that's why I like organic veggies so much - they taste so sweet and fresh and I don't "think" I have to worry too much about ecoli or what have you. BTW my dad used to compost everything - vegetable peelings, coffee beans, tea leaves, egg shells. Nothing got wasted and it made great fertilizer.

2008 Apr 18
Whoops, seems I spoke too soon ... I don't have the first cookbook. I have several others.

If you wouldn't mind posting it, that would be great!

2008 Apr 18
I don't can my ketchup but years ago I took a "recipe" out of Alive magazine and have been using it ever since.

I do use my own tomatoes and reduce them--cook on low heat for several hours, then I freeze the "tomato paste".
This ketchup keeps about 2 weeks--not long at this house of teenage boys and friends...
Sugarless Ketchup
1/2 cup tomato paste
3/4 cup water
1 teaspoon honey--more if you like it sweet
1/8 tsp onion salt
1/4 tsp garlic powder (or 1 smashed clove)
a small dash of cloves (go easy to start; nice flavour but powerful)
Cook in a small pot , stirring quite regularly for about 20 minutes. Put in a mason jar,or reused Heinz ketchup bottle! and use within a couple of weeks.

2008 Apr 19
I seem to remember that there is an entire chapter in "The Man Who Ate Everything" dedicated to homemade ketchup - with recipe. You should check it out.

2008 Apr 21
zymurgist "Whoops, seems I spoke too soon ... I don't have the first cookbook. I have several others. If you wouldn't mind posting it, that would be great!" No problem! I shall go through my Anne Lindsay books tonight and post what I find tomorrow.

2008 Apr 21
I'm 99% certain it's in the first one

2008 Apr 22
I found a ketchup recipe from the Lighthearted Cookbook published in 1988. It's the only one that has condiments in it so hopefully the recipe looks familiar. BTW I noticed that the Bernardin canning book has a recipe for ketchup using fresh tomatoes but it is to be canned in a hot water bath canner.

Homemade ketchup

1 can (5 1/2 oz) tomato paste
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup water
2 tbsp. cider vinegar
1/4 tsp. dry mustard
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
Pinch each cloves and allspice

In jar or bowl, combine tomato paste, sugar, water, vinegar, mustard, cinnamon, cloves, and allspice; mix well. Cover and store in refrigerator for up to 1 month. Makes about 1 cup.

2008 Apr 22
That's the one - thanks!

2008 Apr 22
Total tangent, but I'll be quiet after this: All this talk about home-made ketchup makes me want to make steak tartare in the comfort of my own home. Now *that* is something that would really be kicked up a notch with the addition of home-made ketchup.

2008 Apr 22
Epicurious has a really good basic recipe too...

And waaaaait a minute. Little pipe cleaner men, eh? Hmm.

2008 May 12
Yesterday my wife wanted to take her oldest son to the market as part of mother's day, so I stayed at home with the young guy while they walked down. The came back with amongst some other things, a few roma tomato plants for his ketchup in the fall :-) He was very excited to help his mom plant them.

2008 May 12
Zym - I am beginning to sense that this is turning into a Family Project vs a Dad & Me one, LOL. Sounds like you all are going to have a fun time this summer!

2008 Sep 22
OK, here is what I came up with, basically combining the above.

I started out with tomatoes from my CSA. I'm lucky this year in that I'm the last pit-stop of his 5 pickup points. Sometimes he has buckets of "off" fruit and veggies that people can pick through if they want, in addition to their regular order. Last week he had a huge bucket of "off" tomatoes that nobody else seemed interested in, so I got the whole bucket - about 15 litres. They were mostly not "off", just imperfect. A few bad spots here and there, but not much. So I peeled and seeded them, discarding any real off spots as I went along. Oh, and they were mostly a very nice variety of heirlooms.

- 5 cups sauce from the above. This involved 4-5 hours of boiling down. I would estimate a little thicker than average tomato sauce, but thinner for sure than paste. That's why i did not add any water
- 75 ml honey
- 75 ml cider vinegar
- 3 small onions (about 1 cup course chopped)
- 5 medium cloves garlic
- 1/2 tsp dry mustard
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp ginger
- 1 (measured) smidgeon cloves

I buzzed it with a hand blender for quite some time in the pot to get it uniform.

I like it quite a bit at this point!

2013 Mar 14
is this more of a summer / fresh tomatoes excercise?

2013 Mar 14
I've made this ketchup and quite liked it. There are a couple of other ketchup recipes on the website too.

2013 Mar 23
I was never to gardening since it was never a hobby of any of my family member. It would be nice to make your own ketchup from grown tomatoes in your own backyard. I've tried making my ketchup with the tomatoes I bought on supermarkets but I think it would be more exciting just from the idea that you've waited for a period of time growing tomatoes and then make something out of it.

2013 Apr 22
Ketchup recipes galore: www.allfoodsnatural.com - made with main ingredients ranging from tomatoes to mushrooms to hot peppers to oysters. Really.
A few years ago I bookmarked the site but whenever I went back to it since then it did not show the ingredients just the instructions??? Really pleased to see it back in its entirety. Do check out the mushroom ketchup recipe. I see some Xmas ketchup gifts getting made.

2013 Apr 22
Pfft come on if you're going to make ketchup at least make Mrs. Beeton's timey recipe:



472. INGREDIENTS.—To each peck of mushrooms 1/2 lb. of salt; to each quart of mushroom-liquor 1/4 oz. of cayenne, 1/2 oz. of allspice, 1/2 oz. of ginger, 2 blades of pounded mace.

Mode.—Choose full-grown mushroom-flaps, and take care they are perfectly fresh-gathered when the weather is tolerably dry; for, if they are picked during very heavy rain, the ketchup from which they are made is liable to get musty, and will not keep long. Put a layer of them in a deep pan, sprinkle salt over them, and then another layer of mushrooms, and so on alternately. Let them remain for a few hours, when break them up with the hand; put them in a nice cool place for 3 days, occasionally stirring and mashing them well, to extract from them as much juice as possible. Now measure the quantity of liquor without straining, and to each quart allow the above proportion of spices, &c. Put all into a stone jar, cover it up very closely, put it in a saucepan of boiling water, set it over the fire, and let it boil for 3 hours. Have ready a nice clean stewpan; turn into it the contents of the jar, and let the whole simmer very gently for 1/2 hour; pour it into a jug, where it should stand in a cool place till the next day; then pour it off into another jug, and strain it into very dry clean bottles, and do not squeeze the mushrooms. To each pint of ketchup add a few drops of brandy. Be careful not to shake the contents, but leave all the sediment behind in the jug; cork well, and either seal or rosin the cork, so as perfectly to exclude the air. When a very clear bright ketchup is wanted, the liquor must be strained through a very fine hair-sieve, or flannel bag, after it has been very gently poured off; if the operation is not successful, it must be repeated until you have quite a clear liquor. It should be examined occasionally, and if it is spoiling, should be reboiled with a few peppercorns.

Seasonable from the beginning of September to the middle of October, when this ketchup should be made.

Note.—This flavouring ingredient, if genuine and well prepared, is one of the most useful store sauces to the experienced cook, and no trouble should be spared in its preparation. Double ketchup is made by reducing the liquor to half the quantity; for example, 1 quart must be boiled down to 1 pint. This goes farther than ordinary ketchup, as so little is required to flavour a good quantity of gravy. The sediment may also be bottled for immediate use, and will be found to answer for flavouring thick soups or gravies.