Magazines [Cooking]

2007 Oct 25
Does anyone know any good cooking magazine other that bon appetite
I was looking along the lines of chef profiles and up an coming restaurants.
not necessarily magazines that feature martha stewart crap

2007 Oct 25
Saveur, Olive, Gourmet all come to mind immediately.

2007 Oct 25
Home Maker has lots of great stuff in it, but it is sort of martha-stewarty

2007 Oct 25
chef profiles and up and coming restaurants for the ottawa area? or world wide?

2007 Oct 25
The ones I mentioned are worldwide, Olive being more of a UK oriented publication. Ottawa Magazine publishes a food column from time to time which is usually written by Ottawa's Chris Knight (producer of some Canadian tv food shows)... there's usually an annual guide on where to eat, and up-and-coming, not-to-be-missed places in it.

2007 Oct 25
Oh man - my fave cooking mag is BY FAR; Fine Cooking. HOWEVER, it is not the type of mag with profiles and restaurant reviews etc. It is strictly for those who love cooking, and does not include all that other crap. Articles are about ingredients, recipes, cooking tips, appliance/packaged ingredient reviews and that's IT. No photo spread of a Tuscan family, no review (ad) of a restaurant in a city you'll never visit, no profile of some celebrity who likes to cook. I find it so refreshing compared to Bon Appetit and Gourmet which seem to cover a "lifestyle" and not as much actual cooking. I know it's not what you asked for lol, but I HIGHLY reccomend you at least check it out.

2007 Oct 25
Yeah Fine Cooking and Cooks Illustrated are big faves of mine as well, but neither of those two offerings are really what one3eight is looking for. Bah, I recommend them anyway!

2007 Oct 26
Food & Drink (from the LCBO) often will have a section devoted to recipes from specific chefs or restuarants, or a series of recipes on a similar thing (i.e. comfort food) from various chefs/restaurants.

In general, their recipes are fantastic and turn out perfectly everytime I try one. I would highly recommend Food & Drink . . . and it's free to boot!

2007 Oct 26
look for art culinaire (glossy expensive) and a magazine called food arts it is meant for professionals and has excellent articles both are available at mags and fags on Elgin

2007 Oct 26
There used to be a good monthly tabloid that was distributed around town a number of years ago. It might have been called Food and Leisure. Does anyone know what happened to it?

2007 Oct 27
Speaking of the Canadian Living trying to install a trojan horse on my system - their magazine is awesome. I have not bought it in some time but I used to buy it a lot and enjoyed it quite thoroughly. I also have several of their recipe books and they are all super - easy recipes that always turn out. Remember the old set that you used to get at Petro Canada about 20 years ago?

2007 Oct 28
Another vote for Fine Cooking, I can't count the number of my wife's 'old standard' recipes that have originated there. (I know it doesn't address the question originally posted however)

For some Canadian content, we've also been impressed with the 'Ricardo' magazine. Have found a number of very worthwhile things in there, and we like to support homegrown publications.

Ottawa Magazine, with Chris Knight and Natalie MacLean amongst others, is also a good local source of info for foodies, as has been mentioned. And we seem to be continually getting it free, which is always a bonus.

There's also the quarterly local food 'zine, Burnt Toast.

2007 Oct 29
I'll add my support for both Ottawa Magazine, which does a great job profiling local food trends, chefs and restaurants; and Cooks Illustrated, which provides detailed comparisons of techniques and ingredients - very much a chef's cooking mag.
I also really like Air Canada's EnRoute magazine. It has an annual food edition, profiling restaurants and trends across Canada, and usually has some features about food every month. If you don't happen to fly a lot, their web version includes most of their content:

2007 Oct 29
I have to agree - Fine Cooking wins hands down. Not filled with ads in the same way that Bon Appetit is and just about cooking. LOVE IT! And currently they are running their Christmas price promotion. Also, must second the Food & Drink. We haven't had many recipe duds and you definitely can't beat the price.

2007 Oct 29

Food & Wine magazine is a decent publication with chef/restaurant profiles. They have a yearly feature of the 10 best new chefs that, in retrospect, is pretty bang on.