On the hunt... [General]

2008 Aug 28
This was definitely not my first place to turn for job advice, however...here I am. I'm about to lose my job with the City--my contract is up tomorrow, and there was talk of extension, but I didn't find out until Tuesday that it wouldn't be.

So, here I am. If anyone hears of/knows of part-time positions (3 days a week) that are not retail, I'd appreciate a quick message with a link (my background is communciations and history, and I'm functionality English-French bilingual; I also speak German fluently)

I really apperciate it (and feel guilty for posting something so outrageously off topic)


2008 Aug 28
LWB - That's sad news. I'll keep my ear to the ground.

Can you do something in the meantime to fill in the gap? Like waitress?

(Ok, this is my feable attempt to bring this topic back around to a food related topic).

2008 Aug 28
I appreciate that F&T. I've never waitressed a day in my life, but if that's what it comes to, then at least I'll be eating well ;)

2008 Aug 28
Well, if you get hard pressed and can't find anything in your field Ipsos Direct is ALWAYS hiring - it's Canada's largest market research company - so basically phone surveys. I know no one REALLY likes phone work, but it is not selling (no quotas you have to personally hit each day or anything like that) and some of the surveys can be quite interesting. The hours are also extreemly flexible (you get to pick your own shifts)and you get to sit in comfy chairs lol. After you've worked 625 hours (about 6 mo full time) you get full benefits (dental, vision etc.)as well. I worked there for 9 years before going into the food industry - there's room for advancment too if you find that you enjoy it. They are located in the Merivale Mall on the second floor.


2008 Aug 29
wow, learn something new everyday on this site. Merivalle Mall has a 2nd floor?!

anyway, echoing FiH's suggestion, i've spent more than a few hrs during / after university working shifts for several social and medical research survey orgs: while not the work i'd seek out today, it was a positive experience ... and perhaps it might dovetail somewhat w/ your communications background? So, if you're not adverse to this sort of work, LWB, perhaps also check to see if U of O, Carleton U. or the hospitals (etc.) have tel. survey units or are running projects involving data collection.

2008 Aug 29
Itchy Feet - LOL, yes Merivale Mall has a second floor... if I recall correctly there is a YMCA at one end.

2008 Aug 29
Yeah, there is a YMCA at one end, then the call center (which used to be a "Gym Jam" - some kind of kid's gym or something) and then a restaurant/bar (used to be Le Scratch billiards, not sure what it is now...)

2008 Aug 29
FiH - I haven't been there, but I believe I read here a couple of months ago that a place called Tailgaters (or something like that) opened in Merivale Mall and they have space on both the 1st and 2nd Floor.

2008 Aug 29
Absinthe Absinthe Café Resto Bar is looking for bilingual servers "with wine knowledge". I just saw the sign out front earlier today. I'll bet the tips there are pretty good!