Food TV Blogging [General]

2008 May 3
A few weeks ago the online communities manager for emailed all of the guest bloggers asking if they knew anyone who might be interested in writing articles for her. At the time I couldn't think of anyone from my blogging community who might be interested, but now I realize that one or two of you might be!

If anyone might be interested in 'guest blogging' for, let me know and I can pass along your info. I don't think they have an active Ottawa blogger at the moment (I was one, and Leslie/mrbunsrocks was another). I also believe she prefers people who already have a personal food blog of some sort, but if you don't, she might still be interested in talking to you.

Oh, and: Yes, this is a paid position, but it doesn't pay much. Most blogging gigs don't. ;)

2008 May 3
I nominate Fresh Foodie!

2008 May 3
hah.. thanks zym, but I'm more of a coder than a writer. You, on the other hand, are rather prolific. ;-)

I know a few people who might be interested. I'll point them to this discussion!

2008 May 4
Hi Candice!

I would love to guest blog for FoodTV! My name is Asha and I'm a professional writer/editor and I live in Ottawa. I've maintained food blog called beFOODled for just over a year now. It's at if you want to check it out. Can you please pass along my info to the people at Food TV? Let me know if you need more details about me!

2008 May 4
Since Fresh Foodie is not interested, I'll put my name in the hat too. You can have a look at my beer blog at I've been running it for oh about 10 years or so now. And I am known somewhat for my writing abilities.

2008 May 4
I'd love to make money to blog about food! I don't have a blog anymore (used to LJ) so I think my chances are probably next to nil, but still, a very interesting opportunity for someone.

2008 May 8
Man, the more I think about it, the more I want to make money shooting my mouth off. Like you, Chimichimi, I don't really use my LJ any more (except to discuss life-changing events or really good meals), so being paid to do it would be a good excuse to start up again ;)

2008 May 8
zym and Pingu: I've forwarded your info to my contact at Foodtv.

Everyone: I want to be clear that while this is a paid job, it doesn't pay a lot. Not to say that they're stingy in any way at FoodTV, but rather that blogging in general doesn't pay much, especially when you're a freelancer! Anyhow, I just consider it a little extra cash in my pocket for something I already do anyhow, plus a bit more traffic to my personal blog.