O.Noir - Montreal 'Blind' Resto [General]

2008 Apr 2
Has anyone ever eaten here before? It's one of those restaurants where you eat in complete darkness. All members of the wait staff at this particular resto are visually impaired as well.

My girlfriend is completely turned off by the idea haha but I'm eager to have a culinary experience like this.


2008 Apr 3
I'd love to try this place. It would be interesting to see if the rest of your senses really are heightened and how dark it truly is.
What would you wear?! haha
Next time I'm in Montreal Im definitely going to try this out! Thanks for opening my eyes to this. haaha :)

2008 Apr 3
Yeah Monty.. I would really like to try this place as well. Alas, I'm pretty sure my better half, like yours would not be umm... persuaded of it's merits.

2008 Apr 3
Did anyone see that episode of CSI? lol

Sounds interesting but I'm not sure I would be into it.

2008 Apr 4
I think that's actually just about the only episode of CSI I saw. Was going to mention it earlier but could not remember the name of the show :-)

2008 Apr 4
Weren't there um.. shenanigans going on in the dark of the restaraunt in that episode?

2008 Apr 4
LOL, that CSI episode also came to my mind when this topic was posted.

I'd think that might be bad for business... all your patrons remembering that the only other time they heard of this type of restaurant was on a Tv show that highlighted how a patron was murdered in the dark.

BAD PUN... Also, doesn't this concept just keep your guests "in the dark" about what goes on in a restaurant... I for one want to see and hear as much as I can (sometimes these two senses tip you off to more serious stuff behind the scenes).

2008 Apr 8
Haha yes this concept was featured in an episode of CSI. Still surprised nobody has been - I expected at least one review by momomoto because he seems like a fairly hip foodie (chef's autographs?)

Apparently it's a Swiss thing and was spearheaded by a foundation that works to create employment opportunities for blind and visually impaired people.


2008 Apr 8
Hee hee! I have no problem with being labeled as a total nerd ;)

The 'blind' eating restaurant concept intrigues me, but I don't know if I could go through with it. Probably for the same reason that I can't close my eyes on a roller coaster: I'd be more worried about *not* seeing what's going on around me.

Seeing the food is such a gratifying experience for me! I refer you all to a comment I made about the "Bacon and Eggs" we had during one of our tasting menu excursions to Beckta: www.ottawafoodies.com