Best Way to Make Single Serving of Coffee [General]

2013 Jan 7
I want to buy something to make a single serving of coffee..... good coffee. So, I'm willing to spend a bit.

I read the stuff on here about Aeropress and Bodums. How about the coffee filter cone that's held above a cup (see picture) ? . I'm not clear what is the best.

Should I get one of these three ? or something else ?

2013 Jan 7
I prefer French Press - Keeps all the nice oils in :)

2013 Jan 7
I am a Bodum user but, as you've noted, I've heard good things about both the Aeropress and using a filter cone. The Internet is abuzz with Aeropress fans, whereas Alton Brown professed his love for filter cone on an episode of Good Eats from several years back.

Of all of them, the filter cone is probably the one that has the least mess, if that's important to you. The Aeropress will make the most concentrated coffee, and the Bodum will make the most...full-bodied? Because it keeps the oils in?

Makes me wonder if there are any stores that would let you try them all out!

2013 Jan 7
Will the Areopress 'keep the oils in' if a metal filter is used instead of the paper ones, that come with it ?

2013 Jan 7
I've posted a pic of a single cup server I use somewhere else here but I am intrigued by the Clever Coffee Dripper which is one of the coffee makers available to be used to make your coffee at the Bridgehead Roastery. I read this thread at just before Xmas and haven't been there to try it out yet. FYI Ian Clark of Bridgehead posts his comments in that thread. Maybe a coffee tasting party can be arranged?
I think my pm caffeine just kicked in cause I just remembered that I also read a review of Bridgehead that included a Clever Dripper taste test. Must get there to try it myself. This week.

2013 Jan 7
i use an aeropress. while i can't compare with other single serving devices, I like the aeropress because it allows you do either let the water drip through, or press it down with the plunger for something more like an espresso. the filters can be rinsed and used a number of time, or like you said, you can use a metal filter.

2013 Jan 7
Aeropress is my go-to favorite for everyday use, and is also lightweight for back country too.

I first tried it 5 years ago now maybe, and since day one it has been my go-to favorite. And when we started the business we started selling them based on our own experience with them as well as all the aeropress fans we'd encountered over the years. I'd say 90% or more of people who try it, absolutely love it.

As for the oils - we sell the metal disks too but honestly I personally cannot tell the difference between the metal disk and the paper filters. I think my wife can though.

Another option is a single or two cup drip machine. I got a nice little unit at SvDP a few years ago (pretty sure I posted it here in the SvDP thread) that has a SS caraffe and makes 1 to 2 cups of coffee.

Every method makes a different cup of coffee and there really is no "better" - just what you like most.

Mochapots make a great cup too, and Ikea is probably your best place to get the best price on one. We got theirs a couple of months ago and I've really been enjoying it - though it does take about a half hour.

2013 Jan 7
This is the one I've used for a couple years. bought at Food Basics. Like $6 or so. Hey I'm an old farmer, and I like cheap! But it has to do good and it does. Has a metal screen under the coffee, cup fits over top, set it on your cup, and you pour hot water in, cover with something and wait about 3 min til it drains through and into your coffee cup. Holds about 15+ g coffee.
The thing I like about the Clever is that the coffee and water can be held together for 4 min before draining, for a cup more like the press pot. And it would use less coffee than the Aeropress. Did I mention cheap? And I think easier to clean than a small press pot. Did I mention lazy?
Carry on Captain, and have a cuppa joe to relax.

2013 Jan 7
Yeah I just saw the Clever today for the first time and it seems interesting. Happy Goat carries them.

2013 Jan 8
Very cool looking and great reviews from what I've seen -

I like french press for a cheap, simple method.

2013 Jan 8
best single cup of coffee I've ever had was by the siphon method at, reminded me of a scirnce experiment in school, but very smooth and flavourful.

2013 Jan 10
I've been using a 4 cup Melita filter cone for years, right on top of my Tim's go mug for my morning XL cup of joe. Quick and easy, and you can use fine ground instead of medium in a bodum....more bang for your buck. PLUS...I hate cleaning bodums!

2013 Jan 10
You should just do what I do and never clean your Bodum! ;)

(I rinse it out, pour the grounds into a small strainer, and let everything air-dry. I don't think any part of my Bodum has touched detergent.)

2013 Jan 12
Well i decided on the AeroPress.

Ordered it up from Amazon. Cheapest price by far ($25.95) and free shipping to Ogdensburg.

Will review here when I get it.

Soon I'll be off to The Happy Goat Coffee for some real good (and fresh) beans.

2013 Jan 12
Slate comes out in favour of the single cup filter method:

2013 Jan 13
CC - I'll assume you're already going to Ogdensburg for something else. If not, I'd be shocked that you wouldn't pay the $35 locally

2013 Jan 13
Captain Caper, I doubt you'll be disappointed with the Aeropress. A friend gave me one for Christmas a couple of years back and it reliably makes the best cups of my week. You'll likely have to experiment with grinds before you get the best results, and I'd recommend using a candy thermometer to get the right water temp (165-175F according to the Aeropress people). Once I got my routine down, I can easily make a cup in 3-4 minutes even in my groggy pre-caffeinated state.

2013 Jan 13
BF. No worries about Ogdensburg. My friend has a mail box there. They take parcels for free. He goes down approx. once a month. He even refused gas money from me. I like my friends.

Should I feel guilty not supporting the local economy ?

2013 Jan 13
I'm going to insert myself into this thread by adding that Canadian retailers simply can't price match US pricing because we are not allowed to buy directly from Aeropress. We have to buy from a Canadian distributor which adds considerably to our retail price. Most retailers in the US also have to buy from distributors - although I'd be willing to bet Amazon is allowed to buy direct. Sucks for Canadian retailers, but really we sell tonnes of Aeropress so it does not seem to hurt us too much.

If you look at the Canadian Amazon price you'll see the price is considerably higher, which I guess is a good thing because it probably indicates that Amazon Canada has to buy from Canadian distributors as well. I'd be screaming bloody murder to Aerobie if this were not the case. But really I'd sooner be allowed to buy whereever the heck I want.

2013 Jan 13
No, I don't think you should feel guilty. If it was a dollar or two difference, then maybe, but a ~30% increase to buy local when you don;t have any hassle buying in US, is certainly a no-brainer IMO.

2013 Jan 13
Zym. My order is through (US) but it is being fullfilled by a retailer.

Can you not place a large order with a US Arobie distributer and have your billing and shipping address in Ogdensburg ? This should get you the price you need to compete (and snooker the other Canadian retailers)

I too dislike manufacturers controlling price and distribution.

(Is there a way to get GST relief at the border because of resale ? Freetrade and all that.)

2013 Jan 13
Nope already tried that

Personally I do not care about me not getting a sale, but I do care about tax evasion. I hope you are still doing the right thing and claiming goods at the border and paying appropriate tax and duty.

2013 Jan 13
No duties on the AeroPress.. Aerobie products are made in the United States last I checked.

2013 Jan 13
"I hope you are still doing the right thing and claiming goods at the border and paying appropriate tax and duty."

Of course I do.

I even claim the tank of gas I bought. Do you ?

2013 Jan 14
I'm honestly not in the habit of buying my gas down there

2013 Feb 8

Made my first Aeropress coffee yesterday.

Even splurged for Sumatra Mandheling beans from Happy Goat Coffee.

Set my (from St. Vinney DePaul ... 4 years ago... thanks to Zym) Braun grinder to the finest setting.

OMF ! Some real good coffee.

Will try the inverted method later today.

My old drip machine is off to St Vincent DePauls. I kinda hope they toss it.

2013 Feb 8
FWIW, I've been able to get decent crema w/ my Aeropress if I pre-mix the hot water with my ground in a separate container, before adding it to the press. The trick is to make sure you're leaving adequate air space above the mixture before pressing. I don't fill the press more than halfway when I make it this way. The relative freshness of your beans, and grinding just before brewing can help with this.

Still not the same as from a conventional machine, but works pretty good. I'm scared to experiment too much with the inverted method with three boys running around underfoot. I think it could be messy. ;)