Help wood salad/dough bowl. [General]
2010 Aug 10
I would guess you'd treat it with the same thing you'd treat a cutting board with, no? Look for anything that says it is approved for food,190,42942,190,42942
See if this site has anything - it is a local Ottawa guy,190,42942,190,42942
See if this site has anything - it is a local Ottawa guy
2010 Aug 10

hipfunkyfun I would use this product,190,42950&ap=1 It has wax in it, which will give better protection from moisture on the bowl. I would make sure to apply on both inside and outside to keep moisture profiles the same.
2010 Aug 10
Why don't you post a picture of it hipfunkyfun so we can give better advice? ( and drool a bit..)
2010 Sep 23

ok, here are some pictures. i have been trying to sand out the bowl by hand and i have removed a lot of wax and build up. i think there is still more there though, i have been able to scrape out a bit with my finger nail. i am considering just saying it's good enough, fine sanding it and then start treating it with clapham's salad bowl finish. what are the dangers to me if there is something there? i'll be using the bowl for dressed salads of all types, bread, dough, and who knows what else.
thanks for all suggestions and warning.
thanks for all suggestions and warning.
thanks for any help.