a little something for the socks-and-sandals crowd [General]

2008 Apr 25
Just kidding,

but this did look interesting


2008 Apr 25
Looks... healthy. Reminds me of an article I was reading a few years ago about underground dinner parties that chefs hold at their place where they can create a menu of whatever food they want (as opposed to being stuck preparing the same boring menu day in day out). Except this is vegan/vegetarian.

2008 Apr 26
There was an article about that somewhere, and now I'm kicking myself for not remembering any of the details. Maybe somebody can corroborate: it was about underground chef dinner parties where they brought in all manner of wild and exotic things to try out. Stuff that isn't actually allowed in the country, but mysteriously found its way in.

2008 Apr 26

this would be the one I'm referring to, started as a Pirate Kitchen, or something... I remember reading about it on my way back from San Francisco wishing I had been in-the-know. Ah well! The Granola Girls are the closest I've seen to this in Ottawa...