Something new: Cold Brew Coffee ? Worth a try I think. [General]
2012 Jul 17
I've made cold-brewed coffee. It makes a really good iced latte of sorts, with 1 part c-b'd coffee, 2 or 3 parts cold milk, some sugar to taste, and an ice cube or 2. The Bolivian Yungas c-b'd coffee last summer was the best bean I used for it - I thought I was drinking an iced-mocha it was sooo chocolatey!
I wasn't fond of it as a base for hot coffee, adding hot water to taste. Not what I wanted in a coffee, but it is quick!
I wasn't fond of it as a base for hot coffee, adding hot water to taste. Not what I wanted in a coffee, but it is quick!
2012 Jul 17
I remember seeing this huge contraption on some show that brewed cold drip coffee overnight and sold for $$$$
Here's a simpler version that I'm going to try this week -
Here's a simpler version that I'm going to try this week -
2012 Jul 18
nommer I have used more coffee than I do for a reg. cuppa joe, about 38 to 40 grams (that's about double normal) of dark roasted coffee (also have used a mix of dark and medium coffees), coarsely ground when using the press pot, plus 500 ml of bottled spring water and left for 14 to 15 hours. I would advise not using chlorinated city water.
2012 Jul 18
Yup more beans. About 4:1 water to grounds.
I'm having it now. cold and black, very flavorful, less bitterness, sweeter than black coffee brewed hot. I think I like it. It's a different beverage for sure.
p.s. I carefully decanted the brew into both a drip paper filter in a basket and into my aeropress with a metal filter. We waited forever for it to go through the paper filter. It was much faster with the aeropress. :-) I recommend the aeropress for post brew filtration.
p.p.s. The more I sip it, the more I like it. No, I didn't put salt in it. :-)
I'm having it now. cold and black, very flavorful, less bitterness, sweeter than black coffee brewed hot. I think I like it. It's a different beverage for sure.
p.s. I carefully decanted the brew into both a drip paper filter in a basket and into my aeropress with a metal filter. We waited forever for it to go through the paper filter. It was much faster with the aeropress. :-) I recommend the aeropress for post brew filtration.
p.p.s. The more I sip it, the more I like it. No, I didn't put salt in it. :-)
2012 Jul 18

Well I did put salt in the second half of the cup . . . and it's not bad.
Actually Nathan Myhrvold recommends it in Modernist Cuisine.
What's the deal with salting coffee?
One of the things we learned when talking with some food sensory science researchers, the Monell Institute, a lot of people tend to think oh, just add more sugar and you'll mask the bitterness. But the reality is in fact much more complex, and actually sugar doesn't actually mask bitterness at all, but salt does. The idea with adding a tiny bit of salt to mask the bitterness of the coffee, and the trick when doing this is to get it so you don't really detect the saltiness. A salty cup of coffee is not tasty, but just enough so it diminishes the bitterness of the coffee. The easiest way to do it is to just add small amounts of saline solution, actually. That's a very dilute solution of salt, you don't have to worry about it dissolving at all, and it's harder to over do it. You can do that in your cup of coffee, you can do it with tonic water.
Somebody might point out that this was done much earlier, looking at true cowboy coffee, old recipes for coffee from late nineteenth century America, they produced truly hideous coffee. They just put the grounds in a pot and boiled the heck out of them. And you'd over extract them and they'd just be bitter. So there's all sorts of recipes, like adding eggshells to help clarify the coffee, and I imagine somewhere in there, somebody was adding salt. And of course that's what we do with Red Eye Gravy, because usually the coffee you're using in Red Eye Gravy is not terribly good and very often it's bitter. Adding it to the pork drippings in the pan, you've got the salt and you've got the fat, between those two things it really masks over the bitterness.
Actually Nathan Myhrvold recommends it in Modernist Cuisine.
What's the deal with salting coffee?
One of the things we learned when talking with some food sensory science researchers, the Monell Institute, a lot of people tend to think oh, just add more sugar and you'll mask the bitterness. But the reality is in fact much more complex, and actually sugar doesn't actually mask bitterness at all, but salt does. The idea with adding a tiny bit of salt to mask the bitterness of the coffee, and the trick when doing this is to get it so you don't really detect the saltiness. A salty cup of coffee is not tasty, but just enough so it diminishes the bitterness of the coffee. The easiest way to do it is to just add small amounts of saline solution, actually. That's a very dilute solution of salt, you don't have to worry about it dissolving at all, and it's harder to over do it. You can do that in your cup of coffee, you can do it with tonic water.
Somebody might point out that this was done much earlier, looking at true cowboy coffee, old recipes for coffee from late nineteenth century America, they produced truly hideous coffee. They just put the grounds in a pot and boiled the heck out of them. And you'd over extract them and they'd just be bitter. So there's all sorts of recipes, like adding eggshells to help clarify the coffee, and I imagine somewhere in there, somebody was adding salt. And of course that's what we do with Red Eye Gravy, because usually the coffee you're using in Red Eye Gravy is not terribly good and very often it's bitter. Adding it to the pork drippings in the pan, you've got the salt and you've got the fat, between those two things it really masks over the bitterness.
2012 Jul 18
Caperbeachgal : "In my church-going years it was often my job to make big urns of coffee ..."
In my church-going years ... the women made tea not coffee ... so it looks like we both came from the 'other' church.
Back a generation or 2 ... people from the 'other' church could not get married to each other ... let alone play together in the playground. Glad to see times have changed.
Sorry for being off topic here.
Maybe I should start a thread :
"What does a Foodie get fed at a church function these days? Is Coffee or tea (or both) served ?"
In my church-going years ... the women made tea not coffee ... so it looks like we both came from the 'other' church.
Back a generation or 2 ... people from the 'other' church could not get married to each other ... let alone play together in the playground. Glad to see times have changed.
Sorry for being off topic here.
Maybe I should start a thread :
"What does a Foodie get fed at a church function these days? Is Coffee or tea (or both) served ?"
2012 Jul 19
You are absolutely right, Captain Caper and mercifully things have changed and we are now allowed to play with anyone, on either side of the harbour. Regarding what is fed to Foodies at a church function now...well, if you are lucky and there are fishermen in the congregation, you get "church sandwiches", cut small with no crusts and filled with fresh lobster or crab. Sure beats tinned ham salad sandwiches IMO. And by the way, we always served both tea and coffee.
2012 Jul 29
I made some cold-brewed Coffee Ice Cream for Irish Coffee Sundaes, a picture of which I posted in the Amateur Food Porn Thread: It was very tasty with a rich coffee flavour, a little lighter and not as rich as an ice cream made with custard. I used 63g coarse Kenya AA medium dark roast + 500ml spring water in a Bodum press pot, with about 22 hours of brewing. Ice cream: 1-1/2 cups cold-brewed coffee, 2 cups heavy cream, 1 can sweetened condensed milk. Makes about 4-1/4 cups.
2016 Aug 13
I know it's an old topic but I couldn't resist... First of all, cold brew evolved in the last years, and cold brew is a lot more than the ingredient for iced coffee. Some people choose to drink cold brew coffee year round, for various reasons.
Here is a post about cold brew on a Canadian blog:
My favorite cold brewing "contraption" is the Yama; it's very expensive though. The cool thing about cold brew is that it can be used as ingredient in many recipes. Hot brewed coffee oxidizes and it changes its properties within minutes after brewing. Cold brew can be stored in the fridge for days.
Here is a post about cold brew on a Canadian blog:
My favorite cold brewing "contraption" is the Yama; it's very expensive though. The cool thing about cold brew is that it can be used as ingredient in many recipes. Hot brewed coffee oxidizes and it changes its properties within minutes after brewing. Cold brew can be stored in the fridge for days.
2016 Aug 14
So, "nitro coffee" is what they are calling carbonated coffee now?
I tried making some "bubble" or carbonated coffee years ago and it is just not pleasant to me-I tried many times.
Maybe I will try some from a coffee shop,just to say I tried it.
I do like carbonated or fizzy green tea and herbal tea, but make my own at home.
Right now I use Stash green tea powders and perrier,that works well.
I tried making some "bubble" or carbonated coffee years ago and it is just not pleasant to me-I tried many times.
Maybe I will try some from a coffee shop,just to say I tried it.
I do like carbonated or fizzy green tea and herbal tea, but make my own at home.
Right now I use Stash green tea powders and perrier,that works well.
2016 Aug 14
Nitro coffee is not exactly carbonated. It is nitrogenated, meaning it has a smoother taste and much smaller bubbles than carbonated beverages. I'm not a fan of carbonation in general (I add water or lots of ice to soda to take out some of the fizz) so I'm sensitive to the difference between the two. The same goes for beers... I much prefer the smooth, creamy nitrogenated beers to the fizzy carbonated ones. :-)
2016 Aug 14
We used to sell the Hario when we had the coffee business so that is what I am using. You can see it on this link. Works extremely well my only complaint is that it is too tall.
I measure out the coffee, fill it up, then let it be for about 30 minutes after which I stir the grinds inside the little basket. Then I toss it in the fridge and leave it overnight.
I measure out the coffee, fill it up, then let it be for about 30 minutes after which I stir the grinds inside the little basket. Then I toss it in the fridge and leave it overnight.
2016 Aug 18
I've only made it twice so far, but I wouldn't think that overnight would be long enough. Both times, I've made it in a French press and let it sit for roughly 18 hours and I still felt that it should be longer. Once in fridge and next time on counter...not much difference. In fridge was coarse grind and counter was finer. I used about 4.5 tbsp of coffee in the small Bodum and will try more next time or will let sit for 24 hours. Both attempts were good but not as strong as I like.
2016 Aug 22
If you put it in the fridge it takes longer.
I drink coffee black, and black coffee doesn't go bad that quickly. It's still good a couple of days later, left at room temperature.
If you put cream and sugar in coffee it will go bad in a few hours.
Now I have forgotten a french press with coffee over a long weekend or more and it will go mouldy, so there is a limit to "black coffee doesn't go bad".
In the fridge you can probably brew it longer without it going bad.
I drink coffee black, and black coffee doesn't go bad that quickly. It's still good a couple of days later, left at room temperature.
If you put cream and sugar in coffee it will go bad in a few hours.
Now I have forgotten a french press with coffee over a long weekend or more and it will go mouldy, so there is a limit to "black coffee doesn't go bad".
In the fridge you can probably brew it longer without it going bad.
Cold brew or cold press refers to the process of steeping coffee grounds in room temperature or cold water for an extended period. It is also sometimes referred to as Toddy coffee which is a trademarked cold brewing system.
The cold-press process requires grinding coffee beans at a relatively coarse setting (typically as fine as possible to still be filtered[1]) and soaking those grounds in water for a prolonged period of time, usually 12 hours or more. The water is normally kept at room temperature, but chilled water can also be used. The grounds must be filtered out of the water after they have been steeped using a paper coffee filter, a fine metal sieve, or a French press. The result is a coffee concentrate that is often diluted with water or milk, and can be served hot, over ice, or blended with ice and other ingredients such as chocolate.
Cold brewed coffee naturally seems sweeter due to its lower acidity. Because the coffee beans in cold-press coffee never come into contact with heated water, the process of leaching flavor from the beans produces a different chemical profile than conventional brewing methods.[2]
Cold brew coffee is a type of iced coffee, but this latter term also refers to coffee that is brewed hot and then chilled.