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Tags: Cafeteria
This cafeteria is tucked into a corner of the 5th floor of the Rideau Street Bay Store. They have the usual cafeteria offerings plus malted drinks, yogurt parfaits, etc. Prices seem extremely reasonable.

Foods from Rideau Buffet Restaurant

2009 Mar 17
No more malts!
The Bay closed down the restaurant permanently during January. Anybody want to track down the malt machine and open a malted drink stand in the Byward Market? I'll miss these next summer when it's 30+ degrees at work.

2008 Apr 25
I've been in here twice this week to buy one after work (damn this warm weather!) I hesitate to call this a drink because you have to eat it with a spoon. Price seems cheaper than soft-serve or frozen yogurt elsewhere. A medium is $2.75 and a large is $3.25. I think the small is $2.25 before tax.