Tel: 613-831-9653 (Elsa)
Address: 20 Nairn Street, Kanata (besides Sobeys)

Foods from Elsa's Catering


2007 Feb 14
My friend told me about Elsa's Catering few weeks ago. In order to spend more time to do exercise in a gym, they have ordered food from Elsa for few weeks already, basically twice a week. She told me that the food is good, healthy and fits their taste.

I also notice a flyer at the cashier counter of BestPrice Oriental Market. I picked up the flyer which says the following:

- 30 years experience of authentic Chinese food cooking!
- No M.S.G.
- 3 dishes takeout for only $20 (4 people amount, Monday to Friday)
- Delivery for only $3 (Kanata and Bells Corners area only)
- Please pre-order one day before

Call now at: 613-831-9653 (Elsa)
Address: 20 Nairn Street, Kanata (Besides Sobeys)

Well, I haven't tried the food yet. But it is good to have something like this in Kanata area where all the hi-tech folks reside. I will definitely try it one day!