I am impressed that you came back... I sort of thought it was as you stated (starving artist behaviour), but all the same it would be great now if you stuck around and joined in... three visits in 2 years was most definitely shilling your biz... which is too bad, because OF has a lot to offer, you'd probably be surprised.
Stay for the food conversations and ya might even find some customers for the photos.
Food & Think
PS... It is perfectly within OF Guidelines to talk about yourself and what you do, and your biz on your Profile Page (this one). For a great example of that see Koko's Profile Page - koko. She joins in the various conversations, but also has made a lot of contacts as well.
I am impressed that you came back... I sort of thought it was as you stated (starving artist behaviour), but all the same it would be great now if you stuck around and joined in... three visits in 2 years was most definitely shilling your biz... which is too bad, because OF has a lot to offer, you'd probably be surprised.
Stay for the food conversations and ya might even find some customers for the photos.
Food & Think
PS... It is perfectly within OF Guidelines to talk about yourself and what you do, and your biz on your Profile Page (this one). For a great example of that see Koko's Profile Page - koko. She joins in the various conversations, but also has made a lot of contacts as well.