"Remember me on this computer" problems [Site]

2006 Dec 13
Tiana and corneggs and anyone else who finds the "Remember me on this computer" feature doesn't seem to be working, this is your topic. ;-)

This problem is a mystery to me because everything seems fine when I use the exact same version of Internet Explorer as you.

On the off chance that there *is* something wrong on your end with how your browser accepts cookies, can you try the following three links? (They're just sites I found that test how cookie-hungry your browser is.)


If any of those tests fail then the problem is on your end. On the other hand, if they all pass and say "Your browser accepts cookies" or something like that, then the problem is on my end. I'm really hoping it's on your end because trying to fix something that already works for most people is going to be hell! :-)

The only other explanation would be if you're in the habit of hitting "sign out" when you leave the site. Doing so will log you out and "forget" you on this computer. In other words, the "Remember me on this computer" feature only works as long as you don't sign out.

2006 Dec 14
Okay -- I 'fail' according to those sites.

But. Tried to tell IE to always accept cookies from ottawafoodies.com. No luck.

Staying logged in isn't a problem for me on any other site, so I'm reluctant to change my settings.


2006 Dec 14
My work browser does not support cookies...although I say logged in for other things...weird.

2006 Dec 14
Try downloading Mozilla Firefox. The virus protection is better, you have more nifty little options and there is a built in "Remember This Site/Password" program. www.mozilla.com has all the software needed. Also, more and more websites are designed to funtion with Firefox's speifications.

2006 Dec 14
I can't do that at work...That's what I have at home.

2006 Dec 14
Thanks for creating this topic. I've always wanted Firefox but was just too lazy to get it. Now this is the catalyst.

2006 Dec 14
Okay thanks for checking, y'all! I'm glad that my cookies seem to be working properly. kmennie, I don't know how a site could keep you logged in without cookies though -- maybe that particular site is on some kind of "allowed to set cookies" list on your computer (if not in IE then in a virus checker or firewall program, etc).

corneggs, once you see how nice Firefox's spell check in text forms is you'll be happy to have made the effort. I don't normally use spell checking, but the built in one in Firefox cuts down on proof-reading in a big way!