Twinings Black Currant Tea [Food/Vendor]

2018 Apr 3
I'm stumped as to where I can find this. I've been to three different Metros and four different Loblaws. Lots of other Twinings stuff, but no old school black currant...anyone?

2018 Apr 3
If you want to stock up, Amazon has it.

2018 Apr 3
It sounds like something you might find at a European deli. That's just a guess.

2018 Apr 3
Scottish and Irish store maybe.

2018 Apr 3
Wow, I had to double check that I didn’t post this myself! I was recently talking to a coworker about Twinings Black Currant, and how it was my studying beverage of choice during university. I’ve been casually keeping an eye out for it in grocery stores without luck.

I’ll check some of the suggestions and report back when I find out more!

2018 Apr 4
Wow - could also have posted about this. A friend just dropped off some for me a few weeks ago. I'll ask where they found it and post back.

2018 Apr 5
I've also been keeping my eyes peeled for black currant tea - any brand will do - but haven't seen any. I've only checked Continental Deli, Weidel and Byward Fruit without any luck. Not an exhaustive search by any means but I am wondering if the tea companies are still making it...

2018 Apr 5
So, found out where the tea was purchased and if everyone here buys it all up I will not be happy! Share please! So, it was found at Metro at Greenbank Square a few weeks ago.

2018 Apr 8
Is this a black tea with blackcurrant flavor??

If it is,you can probably just add Ribena syrup to your tea.

or maybe you can get blackcurrant flavour drops for water and add that to your tea??

2018 Apr 8
Yes it's black tea with black currant flavour, but no, the acidity and sweetness of Ribena would produce rather a different result from the product we're talking about.

As a casual tea drinker, I struggle with non-tea botanical infusions for the same reason I wouldn't put Ribena in my black tea. Aside from the purely herbal infusions (mint, chamomile, etc) I find most tisanes to be too fruity and acidic.

I dearly love fermented teas in general... either English/Indian or Chinese style. I'm pickier with green tea, preferring jasmine-scented dragon pearl, genmaicha (with toasted brown rice), and slightly sweetened maghrebi (spiked with spearmint). I'm not a fan of matcha's seaweedy flavour in tea and desserts although I'd probably love it in a savoury dish.

2018 Apr 10
Is this the stuff?

European Delicatessen on Merivale

2018 Apr 10
That is it! Another source too....

2018 Apr 11

My favorite black tea is a black tea leaf from the vendor "pu-erh tea" on ebay, they are located in Yunnan China and very nice to deal with.

They also sell a lychee black tea leaf that I buy by the pound to make my own iced tea.

For commercial tea I really like Stash tea ginger lemon green tea powder-I think it is a Sensha? green tea with no sugar added and bulk barn used to carry it.

2018 Apr 12
Found the black currant tea at the Metro by March and Carling in Kanata. It was on sale to boot so I picked up a box yesterday. OMG it smells like wine gums, not the crappy ones you get today but the good ones like I remember when I was a kid!

2018 Apr 14
Cedars and Co. stocks it as well (although I just nabbed the last box so give it a few days).

2018 Apr 14
I saw it this afternoon at Metro on Rideau near Cumberland.

2018 Apr 14
The Cheese House in the market has it.

2018 Apr 15
I had the same issue trying to find Darjeeling tea, once a grocery store staple but no longer. Finally found it at European Deli on Merivale. Right beside the Black Cuurent you are seeking.