Instant Pot Lightning sale - today only [Cooking]

2015 May 22
If you've been trying to hold out for a group buy on one of the new instant pot units today might be your lucky day...they posted a lightning sale on at midnight last night. Just saw the post on Facebook and clicked through, this is an insane price with free shipping.

If you've thought about it and couldn't justify the price, now is the time.

2015 May 22
Just be aware this model is not the one that can do sous vide.
You need the more expensive IP-SMART model for that.

2015 May 23
I got a Smart instant pot for Christmas 2014. Works great. Just received an email that the company sent out saying there is a defect in Smart models made before March 30, 2015. Apparently, after extensive use, some units may have electrical leakage and cause electrical shock. The company indicated they are sending out free replacement units to all owners.

So please double check before you buy as to when your Smart unit was manufactured.

2015 May 23
It's a local company, in Kanata I believe. I may have to drop by, I lost the pressure weight on one of my original IPs.

2015 May 23
Yes in Kanata. The owner / founder is a really nice guy who loves to talk to people who use his product.

Though it is not a business in Kanata it is the guy's house. When you do group buys the units come out of his garage.

2015 May 23
I guess a lot of good companies start in garages. My garage is full of junk . . . ugh !

I keep finding new ways to use my IP though. One is to pressure steam potatoes with a bit of liquid smoke in the water.

Another is you can steam a whole spaghetti squash in it in 20 min and it comes out great.

2015 May 23
Hard cooked eggs are a delight to peel when pressure steamed.

2015 May 25
The recall is only on the Bluetooth enabled model, which is the one I have. Since I mostly use it in the winter I'm going to wait until they get the newly manufactured units in and swap mine out.

2015 May 25
Yes the recall is for the bluetooth model, which I didn't get because it wasn't out for android initially. It's a voluntary recall by Instant Pot.