Spring planting [General]

2015 May 7
Has anyone planted seedlings outdoors yet?

2015 May 7
I would wait till mid or 3rd week of May before frost intolerant plants! Warm this week but all it takes is one cool night to kill them.

2015 May 9
I heard it is going to be cold next week.

2015 May 9
It's likely too early to plant seedlings yet if frost is a possibility - and I see temps of 3C forecast for Wed and Thursday night which often means frost for south of the city. But if you can cover and protect your seedlings then you would likely be OK. My peas were planted 10 days ago or so and are up, my garlic is up a foot, herbs are growing, but these are all things that can take a bit of frost. No need to hurry, TP, unless you are willing to gamble and can afford to. Best to keep them outside in a sunny spot and bring in if frost or near-frost temps are expected.

2015 May 9
I have been moving the seedlings in and out of doors. Andy, your garlic is up a foot?!!! I don't even see a sprout. Third time a charm next year?

2015 May 9
No garlic yet? Sheesh, not a good sign especially after the weather the past few days. Don't write it off yet if your soil is cold still. Does it need water?
Eyeballing it I'd say the Music is up a good foot, the Russian Red about 10 inches and the Spanish Roja about 8". It first poked up through the layer of mulch about 3 weeks ago.
I hope yours still have life. Better check a couple. If not plant now! I read in the Garlic News last year that more and more garlic being planted in the spring are yielding bulbs rather than the single large rounds that is or was the norm. I think there is one grower out west who plants all her garlic in the spring and sells a lot at farmer's markets in the summer. Is it climate change?

2015 May 10
It's not climate change... it's always been this way. Commercial harvesters have just brain washed us into thinking it has to be 2 years old to maximize the garlic harvest.

Same as Raspberries, I plant canes in spring and get a smallish crop in the fall - commercial wisdom states that you don't get a crop the first year.

Cilantro / Corriander - grows like a weed and self seeds if you don't take it all in mid summer ... BUT It's a tropical climate herb!

Many things work, that are claimed to not.

2015 May 10
I've got some purple potato pull starts in the garden now, they are a foot and a half tall.

You just plant the tubers in a bos indoors and when the plants are 3" - 6" tall you pull them off the spud, including roots. You can replant the spud. you get 2 - 8 starts off a single potato.

2015 May 10
I dug up a few garlic bulbs and I seem to have roasted garlic on my deck ;-). I have more shoots in the bulbs in the bag in the cellar. I planted more with fingers crossed.