You need a tag for "Fancy Pants" [Site]

2014 Dec 1
A friend is looking for a nice place to take his wife for breakfast on her birthday, but there does not seem to be any way with tags to find a 'fancy pants' establishment.

2014 Dec 2
What does fancy pants mean? Do they want to get dressed up for breakfast? Or just somewhere with real napkins?

Weekend or weekday? What time?
Some of the nicer places start serving lunch around 11am during the week.

For weekday breakfast (say between 7-9am), I'd Wilf & Ada's or Stoneface Dolly's. Neither is fancy pants though.

Weekend - gezellig or Erlings

2014 Dec 2
Well it happened this morning and they went to brookfield or whatever it is called. brookstreet maybe?

2014 Dec 3
So perhaps we need a tag for "Help me now 'cause I didn't do any research in advance!"

In any case, I hope a good time was had :)

2014 Dec 3
Metropolitan Brasserie? I can't speak for the quality of the food as I haven't eaten there, but I've been inside and it's quite nice, like a fancy french bistro:

2014 Dec 4
Brookstreet. When I worked near there, I ate there many times during week for breakfast or lunch. Was never that impressed, but sitting near windows is nice when snow on golf course.