Perogies and Borscht [Recipes]

2007 Oct 3
OK, here is the recipe we used back in (sound of gears in head turning) 1987 when I and a co-student made Borscht and Perogies for our Russian class's annual "Vetcherinka".


- 2 cups flour
- 1 large egg
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/3 to 1/2 cup water

Filling #1
- 1 cup dry cottage cheese
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- 1 tbsp chives

Filling #2
- 1 tsp grated onion
- 2 tsp butter
- 2 cups cold mashed potato
- 1 cup grated cheddar

That's all I have so I guess we figured out on our own how to put it together :-)

I'll post the Borscht recipe in a bit. It's fairly involved and a lot of typing. And oddly enough I don't think I have it online anywhere yet.

Both recipes come from the other gal's family.

2007 Oct 3

This made a lot. It's a big recipe. I think we actually had to double it or quadruple it for our needs.

- 13 quarts water
- 5 cups chopped onion
- 4 cups chopped carrot
- 3/4 cups chopped dill
- 1.5 cups chopped green onion
- 4.5 quarts canned tomato
- 1.5 cups chopped celery
- 24 cups shredded cabbage
- 8 cups quartered spuds
- 3 cups chopped green pepper
- 1.25 lb butter
- 1 quart cream
- 4 large beets
- 3 cups grated carrots
- 6 tbsp salt
- 6 cups diced spuds

Pour tomatoes into big pot and mash. Add 1/4 lb butter. Boil until thick - 1 hour or so.

Place 5 cups chopped onion into fry pan with 1/4 cup butter - saute. Add 3 cups grated carrots and fry, but do not brown.

In other fry pan fry 12 cups grated cabbage with 1/2 lb butter and fry til tender.

Boil 13 qts water, add 1/2 quart cream. Add salt, 8 cups quartered spuds, 4 cups chopped carrots and 4 beets (quartered). When potatoes are tender, remove and mash with 1/4 lb butter and rest of cream. Remove and discard beets. Pour mashed spuds back in and bring to boil again. Add fried tomatoes (see note), 12 cups unfried cabbage and 6 cups spuds. Bring to boil then turn off heat.

Add fried cabbage, fried onions, fried carrots, then add 3 cups green pepper, 1.5 cups chopped celery and 1.5 cups green onion and 3/4 cup dill.

Add pepper to taste.

Note : my recipe as written says to add the fried tomatoes here, but looking above there are no fried tomatoes so I guess it means the boiled stuff.

2007 Oct 3
Oh yeah, we cooked this for 150 people - lots of work :-)

2007 Oct 4
Mmmm! A new borscht recipe to try - thanks for posting. But for 150 people? Is it to go with the perogies for 150?... You must have a big family! (Or lots of friends!)

2007 Oct 4
I explain the 150 right at the beginning of the first post in this thread. OK, maybe it wasn't a very good explanation. We sold tickets to "Russian Night" and always got a very good turnout.

2007 Oct 4
Anything involving food is a good enough explanation for me! Sounds like you had fun.