Hot and Not [General]

2011 Dec 31
Congrats to Broadhead Brewery for mention in Ron Eade's "Hot and Not"

HOT: Craft beer
NOT: The watery stuff

And I like this one - thumbing my nose to the likes of Sous Vide and other molecular gastronomy :-)
HOT: Simple, down-home fare
NOT: Alchemy in the kitchen

2011 Dec 31
Wow! Scary that bad frozen pizza comes all the way from Germany. What a colossal waste of resources.

2011 Dec 31
Actually I'd sooner have the bad frozen pizza from Germany than the "good" frozen stuff from here - unless they are allowed to produce it under different standards for export.

When I lived there I was amazed to see McCain frozen pizza everywhere, and even more amazed to see a list of ingredients with no preservatives and none of the crap you see in the same pizzas here from the same company. I wrote to McCain's about it and not surprisingly did not get a response.

2011 Dec 31
Yes, every Dr Oetker frozen pizza is made in Germany. Which is not to dismiss due to country of origin, but the whole gendre is, well, disappointing. The stuff sells amazingly. I don't get it. Whether Dr. Oetker or McCain, it's all salty and not quite (in my opinion) edible.

2011 Dec 31
In honestly I think sous vide is kinda cool and would not mind taking one of my PID + SSRs one day to make one just to see what it can do with a really tough cut of meat, but I would not want to simply have to do that much planning for day-to-day eating - I find it difficult enough to remember to take ground beef out of the freezer a half day in advance :-)

Right now I am looking for fans to build my own pit-master sort of dealy - anyone have any ideas? Actually I will start another thread for that ...