Coconut Water - Best Price? [General]

2011 Mar 28
Does anyone know where you can buy Coconut Water in Ottawa at a good price (like maybe by the case?).

My husband checked at Costco today and they don't have it. Only in the US for now.

The brands I am looking for are: Zico, VitaCoco, or O.N.E - It must be 100% Natural Coconut Water.

It's pretty pricey just buying one at a time at the health food store.


2011 Mar 28
I'm having a seniors moment. I saw it this weekend somewhere!! Either Farm Boy or Loblaws. Did not price it!

2011 Mar 28
I think I saw the zico brand at Farm Boy but noted it was pretty expensive.

Maybe try Food Basics or Bulk Barn. I know both places carry Coconut Water, just not sure of the brands.

2011 Mar 28
Farmboy had it on sale - 2 bottles for $5.00 - Zico brand, 14 oz bottles.

2011 Mar 29
Thanks so much guys - I will check out those places.

Someone also suggested the Mister Goudas brand and that it might be available at Mid East Food Market or maybe TNT or somewhere like that.

I couldn't find anywhere online that told me if theirs was 100% Natural - their web site kinda sucks.

2011 Mar 29
ksw - Food Basics sells cans of Grace brand coconut water. i believe it's $1.50-$2 for a large can. not sure if they have it by the case, though.

note it's not 100% coconut water:

Ingredients: Young Coconut Water (Juice), Young Coconut Pulp, Water, Cane Sugar, Potassium Metabisulphite (as Preservative)

if Mister Gouda's sells coconut water you could probably find it at Food Basics as well...

2011 Mar 29
I have used coconut milk in recipes, but what would you use this for?

2011 Mar 29
solstice - drink it as a refreshment. if you're ever in the Caribbean you have to try it from a freshly cut, young, green coconut. it's good stuff.

2011 Mar 29
solstice I think ksw is looking for coconut water which is something different from the coconut milk we use for cooking. I think alot of people are using it now as a sports drink. I read an article on it recently in alive magazine: Although monty's way of drinking it sounds awfully good to me-;)

2011 Mar 30
If you're looking for cheap coconut water by the case you should check out south Asian or Caribbean grocery stores. They don't have the "brand names" like Zico but it's good option if you're looking for something cheap.

2011 Apr 2
a lot of friends drink coco water as a substitute to gatorade at hockey. They say coconut water is nature's gatorade. :)

I`ve tried it out a few times..

I'd also be interested to know if anyone sees very good deals.

2011 Apr 3
They carry the ZICO brand product at Produce Depot on Carling Avenue.

2011 Oct 14
Bumping this up if anyone is still looking for coconut water. Farm Boy has the Zico brand coconut water on sale this week $4.49 for a one litre container.

2012 Jul 12