Local apples yet? [Cooking]
2010 Sep 9
Halls has some apples in season: www.hallsapplemarket.com
They are located in Brockville but if you need a large quantity I'm sure you can arrange to pick them up either at the Lansdowne Farmers Market or at any of their pickup depots: www.hallsapplemarket.com
They are located in Brockville but if you need a large quantity I'm sure you can arrange to pick them up either at the Lansdowne Farmers Market or at any of their pickup depots: www.hallsapplemarket.com
2010 Sep 9
www.mountainorchards.ca opened Labour Day weekend and is open 7 days a week (and has wagon rides and made-while-you-wait apple cider donuts weekends only).
www.smythsappleorchard.ca in Dundela south east of Mountain and home of the original McIntosh apple is also open and has variety of apples shown at link.
www.smythsappleorchard.ca in Dundela south east of Mountain and home of the original McIntosh apple is also open and has variety of apples shown at link.
2010 Sep 10
I go to Harvest Moon Orchard every year for my apples too, love that place. They don't have a pick your own option anymore I don't think though. Just to let those who would rather pick their apples know.
I wasn't sure if they had their apples ready yet, so thanks for the update W.C.
I'd like to check out Smyths apple orchard, never been before but neat that's the home of the McIntosh apple. I'm not sure where Dundela is though, haven't heard of that town but I'll check out their website and if they aren't too far I may go this weekend.
I wasn't sure if they had their apples ready yet, so thanks for the update W.C.
I'd like to check out Smyths apple orchard, never been before but neat that's the home of the McIntosh apple. I'm not sure where Dundela is though, haven't heard of that town but I'll check out their website and if they aren't too far I may go this weekend.
btw I already checked on the locavore site... no mention of apples.