Hog and Cob [General]

2008 Aug 30
The Cheshire Cat pub out in Carp is having their annual hog and cob tonight, which is basically an all you can eat roasted pig and corn dinner with salads for $25 a ticket (only a few tickets left, might want to call ahead). Drinks not included. Entertainment from live bands all evening... one big pig BBQ blowout (and they serve Caledonian 80/, Beau's, St-Ambroise)...

2008 Aug 31
Chimichimi - Darn, I missed out. This sounds like a cool event, I'll have to make a note of it in my calendar and watch for it next year.

2008 Aug 31
Chimichimi - As this is an annual event, I've also added it to the Ottawa Foodies Wiki Events List.