The Sticky Buns from 3 Tarts are perfection itself. Wifey picked some up this morning and the first bite actually brought a tear to my eye.
Unusual characteristics compared to conventional cinnamon rolls:
* Chewy but tender, yeasty, tasty dough!
* Scant amount of cinnamon so as not to hide the awesome bread taste.
* Heavy syrup on the top and bottom of each roll, while the inside is relatively dry to provide balance.
* A succulent moistness and buttery flavour throughout, with a very light crust on top.
If apple fritters are your favourite doughnut then you will love these. They are the "French Baker Croissant" of cinnamon buns.
These are awesome! And the closest thing you can get right now to their Bread Pudding...
They are shaped a little like a cinnamon roll but have no cinnamoniness. Excellent pastry, topped with pecans, and soaked with a heavy syrup. Verrry nice!
Also available with pecans.