Where to get Crème Fraîche

2011 Mar 1
Both the House of Cheese and International Cheese in the Byward Market has it.

2011 Mar 1
Farm Boy on Merivale has it.

2011 Mar 1
You can find crème fraîche in the dairy section of most large grocery stores in Gatineau (Loblaws, Metro, IGA). I'm not sure if that is also the case in Ottawa. Some things are easier to find on the Gatineau side...

2011 Mar 1
not sure where to buy it, but it's easy to make:


This may be heresy, but when I'm in a hurry, without buttermilk and can't wait 24 hours, I just whisk together equal parts of whipping cream and good quality sour cream and let it sit on the counter for a couple of hours. Sometimes I sweeten it with a bit of sugar or flavour it with rum for desserts.

2011 Feb 28
Where can I buy creme fresh in Ottawa


2007 Apr 2
Tried some from the Market a few years ago; bought some at Ottawa Bagel, Wellington Street - EXCELLENT. Tried some from Nicastro's, Wellington. Back to OttBag: other 2 were like thin sour cream; OttBag's was thick, creamy, not especially sour, ingredients were cream, bacterial culture (like Two Fat Ladies used to say: all you need are bugs and cows).
I suspect the product on the shelf at OttBag was farm-direct even if probably pasteurized and not (re-)created later from cream, buttermilk/yoghurt and 24 hours to brew.