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Tags: Bar · Buffet · Centretown · Restaurant
A provocative/exotic dance bar in the downtown core, this unassuming place has a pretty decent buffet and a large selection of other foods. Also, beer.

340 Queen Street at Lyon
(613) 234-8709

Foods from Barbarella's


2014 Aug 9
Went here again for lunch yesterday. The beer was cold and cheap and the food was hot and cheap. $6 for a tall boy can and $2 for a plate for the buffet. There was a crowd of construction workers in, keeping the poor waitress hopping, but she did a good, professional job.

I was somewhat perplexed by the 3-tine salad/dessert fork in my collection of cutlery, but these things are bound to happen from time to time.

It was everything I expected it to be.

There was some extra degree of hospitality extended toward me by the management, but I had to decline in favour of returning to work. Maybe next time!

2013 Jan 18
Make no mistake, this is a provocative/exotic dance bar, one that has been part of the downtown Ottawa scene for quite some time now.

However, if you don't mind that and want a really good/cheap lunch, go on in and check out the buffet. Buy any beverage and you can have the full buffet lunch for $2. Want a second plate? Another $3. Fridays they have a hip of beef.

This is not the highest quality beef I've had (it's certainly not prime rib), but I really can't complain at those prices. It is hot and tasty and the gravy is really beefy. Lots of rare and a good quantity of well-done portions to choose from. A good amount of gristle in this, but the lighting is dark enough that nobody will notice if you pull it back out onto your plate. Yeah. It's like that. A big pot of stewed carrots and onions on the side and horseradish if you want it.

The buffet itself is fairly varied. There is a pasta salad, a couple of green salads, a broccoli and raisin salad, a big pile of fried chicken legs, a ravioli and sausage in cream sauce with veg, mashed potatoes, steamed veg (standard corn/cauliflower/green beans). A cheese plate and bread.

A draft (seemingly always on 'special') for $4.25 and tallboy cans for $5.50 plus $2 for a fairly large plate of lunch? That's a pretty good deal. As with most places, it's the extras that add up.

They have a well displayed charity bin in the buffet area that they've collected over $8,000 for already. It's nice to see that people have such big hearts.

I was a bit disheartened by the lack of craft or microbrew beers. Mostly domestic products are on hand here: draft, bottles and cans.

They have a larger menu that I assume is filled from either the Dill Pickle or Dunn's, both in the same building. The food ranges from $4.50 for a plate of fries to $13.50 for a steak sandwich, with smoked meat and other items in between. These are not terrible prices, but I assume a bit higher than where they would be priced natively.

The lighting is fairly low and the round tables are small, but they have longer tables in the middle that a group would be comfortable at. You could sit at the bar. I don't think the rail at the main entertainment section is wide enough for a plate. There are rooms in the back for private functions, but I'm not sure they have tables. I'll have to go back next week and check.

Service is quick, friendly, and efficient. I have no complaints at all there.

Sorry, no pics.

I was able to leave my office at Tunney's Pasture in the dead of winter, catch a bus there, have the draft and lunch special, and take the bus back to my office in a shade under an hour. Timing is everything. If you're going to get back to the office smelling of beef, beer and strippers, you'd better at least be on time.