Korean Chilis for Kim Chi [Food/Vendor]

Jun 30
Anyone know for sure where to get some?

I've got some chinese cabbage growing in the garden so have a few weeks yet to find my korean chilies.

Jun 30
The ideal place to buy 고추가루 Gochugaru would be at Seoul Mart as they likely have several brands. However, you should be able to find it at pretty much any east Asian grocery store.

If you're really desperate Amazon.ca sells it but you'll pay more and your money will go to a less ideal place. 😝

Jun 30
I was gonna hit T&T to get some. Please share your recipe tho, cause I got a fermentation kit from Lee Valley as a wedding gift, and I wanna make kimchi because my now wife loves it.

Jul 2
+1 Seoul Mart. That place is amazing! Any time that I’ve gone I’ve been super happy with impulse purchases from their pastry section at the front.

Jul 4
Best Price Oriental in Kanata. Local & Family owned.

Jul 6
I went to the place in Kanata and all they had was a 5lb bag of that stuff but the woman broke it down and sold me 1 lb. Stay tuned for Kim Chi reporting :-)

Jul 17
I got use plenty at Arum market tonight. We got a small container.

Aug 13
There is a new-to-me Korean grocery store called OK Mart near Hunt Club and Merivale at 141 Bentley. It's more like a small warehouse than an actual store, but it has a fair amount of stuff, including chili flakes and paste.

Aug 20
Picked this up at Arum Korean Market today

Aug 25
Win Tai Market in Ogilvie sells a big bag for $6.99.