Sparks Street Poutine Fest : 2018 edition [Events]

2018 Apr 27
I haven’t seen the Sparks Street Poutine Fest discussed on OF yet and since I headed over for lunch today for the first time I thought I would review it.

The poutine fest started yesterday and runs until Sunday. Various types of poutine are sold from food trucks which run along Sparks between Bank and Elgin. Toppings vary from regular poutine (fries, curds, gravy) to pulled pork, lobster, and Thai influenced toppings.

I started my journey down Sparks starting at Bank heading east and came to a screeching halt when I spotted a poutine from The Twisted Tomato called “That’s Ducking Awesome” – and it was! The fries were deep fried in duck fat and topped with duck, bacon, gravy and cheese curds. The fries were of the shoestring variety and they were topped with generous amounts of duck, bacon, and cheese. I must have spent over half an hour in line but it was well worth the wait. Said poutine was $15.

The only quibbles I have is that there is no map on the poutine fest website like the one that ribfest posts. There is nothing more aggravating than wandering around a very crowded Sparks Street aimlessly trying to find a food truck that was recommended. Also, most of the vendors do not seem to have the prices posted. Only two of the ones I passed did but I can tell you that most of the poutines are in the $12 to $15 although I believe one truck had a poutine on the menu in the $19 range. Some food trucks have vegetarian and gluten free options but this information is not well advertised. My last quibble is due to the lack of seating on Sparks since the BIA hasn’t put out benches yet other than a handful that seem to stay out year round. The restos don’t seem to allow poutine fest customers on the patio for a drink the way they do for ribfest so seating is even more limited.

Despite my quibbles however I really enjoyed my poutine and I hope to go back next year.

2018 Apr 27
I've had the Meat Lovers poutine from The Upper Deck (with all the meats), and the Big Brisket poutine from Fitz's BBQ, both highly recommended. Picture is Big brisket.

2018 Apr 29
I had the ducking awesome too and enjoyed the heck out of it too. Perfect for a rainy day.

2018 Apr 30
Had the cajun shrimp poutine from RnR BBQ.

This was a good, maybe even great, poutine (quality fries, proper layers, hot gravy achieving appropriate squeeky cheese melty effect), with five tasty chunky shrimp dipped in a solid cajun'ish hot sauce on top.

The poutine was all good, the shrimp were all good... i found the two things just didn't quite mesh... it needed the (otherwise, to be clear, very tasty) poutine gravy to have some cajun or hot sauce flavour in it to work with the shrimp sauce. Otherwise it was essentially two very good things one on top of the other with nothing to bring it together.

I would totally try another of their poutines tho'.