Looking for watermelon radishes [General]

2015 Jan 7
Does anyone know of any stores in Ottawa that sell watermelon radishes?
I have no idea if they are even grown in this area, but I keep seeing photos of them on food blogs and I would really love to try them.

2015 Jan 7
I grow them in my garden. Super easy veggie to grow if you have garden space.

2015 Jan 7
Not sure about this time of year but when the Lansdowne Farmers Market opens maybe try there?

2015 Jan 7
i think i saw some at wholefoods yesterday

2015 Jan 10
Thanks Stella for posting the question and Eastcoast chef for posting the answer:) They are so beautiful, I was looking for some since we tried them at Supply and Demand at the foodie dishcrawl on Wellington last year:) Forum - Any interest in Wellington food crawl in July? Maybe 3rd week?
I got some yesterday at whole foods, so thank you thank you:) I tried some in a salad today:) here is a photo.

2015 Jan 10
They look beautiful. What do they taste like?

2015 Jan 11
mild radish flavour, not too peppery.