Whenever you are in the area around Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal or University of Montreal and you want to eat Pho or Chinese food without going to Chinatown (i.e., don't want to pay downtown parking and also wanted to avoid the traffic there), you may consider the following restaurants that I tried:
Restaurant Dao Vien 陶园
5623A, chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges,
Côte-Des-Neiges, QC H3T 1Y8
Telephone : 514-341-7120
The pho there is average. But the place is kind of tidy and does not look dirty. Price is also reasonable and is more or less like Ottawa. $10 per person should be good enough for lunch.
Chinese Food
Restaurant Fu Kam Wah (富金華海鮮酒家)
1180 Boul. Décarie,
St-Laurent, QC H4L 3M9
Tel: 513-337-2262
We tried their set dinner for 4 (I think it was $40 for the set). Very good value and the food quality was average.
Photo shown was the soup that was included in the set. It was veggie soup with pork bone broth base. Normally this type of soup requires many hours of simmering to get the taste out of the pork bones. (I like to eat the pork meat that is attached to the pork bones.)
Steamed chicken was also from the set dinner. I know most of the Canadian customers prefer deep-fried cripsy chicken (me too!). But steaming chicken is Cantonese's favorite ways to cook chicken because the chicken meat turns out moist and tender.
This deep-fried fish from the set dinner was the worst when compared with the other 3 dishes. The taste was good. But we had hard time to find any fish meat since the fish was just too small to eat.
Restaurant Dao Vien 陶园
5623A, chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges,
Côte-Des-Neiges, QC H3T 1Y8
Telephone : 514-341-7120
The pho there is average. But the place is kind of tidy and does not look dirty. Price is also reasonable and is more or less like Ottawa. $10 per person should be good enough for lunch.
Chinese Food
Restaurant Fu Kam Wah (富金華海鮮酒家)
1180 Boul. Décarie,
St-Laurent, QC H4L 3M9
Tel: 513-337-2262
We tried their set dinner for 4 (I think it was $40 for the set). Very good value and the food quality was average.
Photo shown was the soup that was included in the set. It was veggie soup with pork bone broth base. Normally this type of soup requires many hours of simmering to get the taste out of the pork bones. (I like to eat the pork meat that is attached to the pork bones.)