Local Hallowe'en treats [General]

2012 Oct 31
Here is a taste from the above link.

Priceless !!!


Hintonburg hipsters kids will salivate and gain valuable calories after a hard night of trick or treating with this local treat favourite! A delicious ground beef patty smothered in artisan cheeses and bacon is sandwiched between some artisan bacon infused donut halves! (Warning; parents should be wary of some hipster beard hairs in these treats)

I would like to add another entry.


After lining up for sometime for this treat, the trick-or-treaters will be disappointed and what they got from the taco stand in Hintonburg. Some kids will EGG the Taco stand when they discover the Taco treats have ghost-like (almost not there) toppings.

2012 Oct 31
Organic Free-Range Heirloom Cruelty-Free Yardbird Egg stands setting up all across the Hintonburg and Lower Rockcliffe areas for Halloween pranksters to take advantage of! A limited number of these specialty orbs are available, so drop by early as the venues will close at 8pm.

2012 Oct 31
"deliciously dry"


2012 Oct 31
I am sitting in the dark in Lower Rockcliffe eating candy worried about the imminent arrival of a kilted devil with a sporran filled with ever so trendy free range orbs. ;-)

2012 Nov 1
I got yer trendy free range orbs ... RIGHT HERE!