Today's Brew - Smoked Porter [Cooking]
2007 Apr 15

In case anyone was wondering what the weather has to do with brewing, I brew on the back step so need at very least +1C. On the left is a normal 58L beer keg converted into an electric kettle with the top cut out (can't really see that in this photo) and 2 x half-couplings welded in for hot water heater elements, and 1 x full coupling for a spigot. Another half coupling for a temperature probe and we are in business.
Of course I run it on a GFCI since there is water involved.
On the right is a very nice 45L heavy-guage SS pot with thick alu foot that my wife got me for xmas a few years ago at home outfitters or home sense. I had 2 x 1/2" full couplings welded into it - one for a spigot and the other for a thermometer. It's completely covered in blue camping pad foam for insulation. The mash has to be maintained at a constant temp for up to 2 hours depending on the malts used and the recipe, and even on a cold day like today camping foam can accomplish that task without losing even 1F in temperature. Note the lid is a double layer since heat rises.
In the middle you can see my 2.5 litre measuring cup upside-down on the railing, and beside it you can see the shaft of my big SS mash paddle sticking up (about $25 at one of the local kitchen stores)
And where there is smoke there is fire - or rather where there is brewing there needs to be water. Thus the garden hose slinking up alongside the mash paddle between the two vessels.
Of course I run it on a GFCI since there is water involved.
On the right is a very nice 45L heavy-guage SS pot with thick alu foot that my wife got me for xmas a few years ago at home outfitters or home sense. I had 2 x 1/2" full couplings welded into it - one for a spigot and the other for a thermometer. It's completely covered in blue camping pad foam for insulation. The mash has to be maintained at a constant temp for up to 2 hours depending on the malts used and the recipe, and even on a cold day like today camping foam can accomplish that task without losing even 1F in temperature. Note the lid is a double layer since heat rises.
In the middle you can see my 2.5 litre measuring cup upside-down on the railing, and beside it you can see the shaft of my big SS mash paddle sticking up (about $25 at one of the local kitchen stores)
And where there is smoke there is fire - or rather where there is brewing there needs to be water. Thus the garden hose slinking up alongside the mash paddle between the two vessels.
Grain Bill
* 8 lb Hugh Baird Pale Ale Malt
* 8 lb Weyermann Smoked Malt
* 3/4 lb Belgian Aromatic
* 1.25 lb Weyermann CaraAmber
* 2 lb Honey Malt
* 1 lb Malted Oats
* 1.5 lb Weyermann Carafa Spezial
I originally wanted to use 2 lbs of Aromatic but could only find 3/4 and ended up making up the difference with the CaraAmber. I hope to have some of this on tap at Big Strange Lanark Brew in Perth coming up in May :-)
Hop Schedule
* 4 oz EKG @ 60 min (4.3% AA == 27 IBU)
* 1 oz EKG @ 0 min (4.3% AA == 0 IBU)
IBU is a measure of bitterness, though homebrewers only estimate their IBUs. BudMillMolLabbOors is typically circa 10 IBU plus or minus 2 or 3 depending on exact brand. The longer you boil your hops, the more bitterness you get from them. The less you boil, the more aroma you get. EKG (East Kent Goldings) are a "noble" UK hop that lend a wonderful flowery aroma to the beer when thrown in at the end of the boil (0 min) as per the 1 oz above.
Mash Schedule
* 26.3 US qt water @ 169F == 155F mash temp (ratio 1.25 qts/lb)
* mash 90 minutes
* mashout @ 168F
* 2 x batch sparge
Boil Schedule
I'll update at the end of the brew.
Just mashed in at 154F - only missed my desired temp by 1F which ain't bad for first brew of the season and on such a cold day :-)