Spring form loaf pans? [Cooking]

2009 Dec 6
Looking for where to buy a rectangular loaf spring form pan or a loaf pan with a removable bottom( ie one that slides out)

Wondering if any one has bought one or knows where to buy one? Best price people have seen etc?

Seen some online, but I was hoping to be able to get one somewhere within Ottawa at a moderate price.

2009 Dec 6
Something like this?

It is not rectangular pan, but CA Paradis has square baking pan in different sizes with loose bottom (not spring form)
I have this one and use this to bake square génoise for making fraisier.

2009 Dec 7
NoCheese - Thinking you might be looking for one of these... A Meatloaf Pan = www.williams-sonoma.com

Thanks to Momomoto who brought this item to the forefront in February 2009 in an old topic entitled Cure Your Own Stuff = www.ottawafoodies.com

Williams-Sonoma have no stores in Ottawa, but several in Toronto... and they do have a Canada Website, so you could always check to see if they will ship it here.

2009 Dec 7
Thanks F&T and AK. Both helpful.. I have actually looked at Williams Sonoma, at their website far too often, but it is not quite what I am looking for..

I found a picture though of more specifically what I am looking for.. I realize most of them are available online, but I was hoping to be able to purchase it in a store somewhere within the city.
