Small tapas bar located on Bronson Ave. in the Glebe, serving appetizers from around Europe. Extensive alcohol selection.

Foods from Euro Tapas Cantina
Tapas · Wine

2009 Jul 15
Euro Tapas Cantina is closed. Probably the owner has changed the name of the restaurant. A new "Caprese" Restaurant is on Bronson St.

2009 Feb 1
The atmosphere and service are excellent. They don't rush you to order, or give you the bum's rush at the end, however, the food is definitely lacking... definitely! Three of us got Chorizo, Calamari, Caesar Salad, Veggie Pizza, Antipasti Plate, and two glasses of wine totaling about 55$. Everything was edible, but not amazing. The high point was definitely the dining experience and not the food: great music, cozy atmosphere, cheap prices and friendly people.