Scotch Bonnet Peppers [General]

Sep 6
My plants did not produce enough scotch bonnets to make a big batch of jerk sauce. I am looking for a place that will sell me a bunch. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Sep 6
This probably won't help you but the only place I have ever seen Scotch Bonnets are at the Jean Talon market in Montreal. I have never found them in Ottawa. People confuse Scotch Bonnets with Habaneros but they aren't the same thing. I make a hot sauce with Scotch Bonnets - wonderful flavour. Sorry I can't be more help.

Sep 6
You might check with Geeland international. I have seen them there before.

Sep 7
Produce Depot at Bank and Hunt Club has them regularly. They aren't cheap though. I was there last week and they had both scotch bonnets and habanero, among many other hot pep varieties.

Sep 7
I've seen them at the Lansdowne Farmers Market, but never alot.

Sep 8

Sep 8
Those are habaneros. Scotch Bonnets look like little hats.

Sep 8
Not disagreeing, they could be, but there are different varieties. I've grown both and yes the non hat like ones sure look like habanero.