Deep Fried Pepperoni [Food/Vendor]

2014 Jan 13
If you're from Halifax, you know just how yummy deep fried pepperoni is.. we used to call them chicken lips...

Before you deep or pan fry your local pepperoni expecting something amazing... , know that you NEED Chris Brothers pepperoni from down East... nothing else even compares...

Next time you're in Halifax, make sure to try some - it's for sale at pretty much every bar or chip truck.

There is a store in Carleton Place, just outside of Ottawa.. they sell all the flavors of Chris Brothers Pepperoni... MMMMMMM

2014 Jan 13

You can make some amazing dishes using pepperoni!

2014 Jan 15
My arteries are hardening just thinking about this.

2014 Jan 17

You can make amazing dishes with pepperoni...

2014 Jan 17
Yeah, you can, but can you stop spamming your site?