Apple Picking [General]

2012 Sep 13
Hey there my friends and I wanted to know some good places in Ottawa to go apple picking this fall. Its always great to go out and pick your favourite apples fresh off the tree and we wanted to find a good place to go. Preferably accessible by bus as we are university students and don't have a car to get around, although we are willing to walk a good amount!


2012 Sep 14
Hi Mark,

Have not been there myself for apple picking but saw a sign for it when I was driving past 1-2 days ago.

Should be accessible by bus but you should call oc transpo to ask.. If I had to guess I would guess 95 to Blair / Gloucester center then a local.


Pick you own apples will be opened saturdays and sundays for all of September.
(Open on Monday September 3). The fields are not opened during the week. Orchard will be opened from 9h00 to 17h00.
Already picked apples are available at the kiosk as well as many other vegetables.

Orleans Fruit Farm
1399 St. Joseph blvd.
Orleans, ON
K1C 7K9


2012 Sep 21
Thanks, will go apple picking on Sunday!

2012 Sep 21
Apple store selling new products by the bushel, apparently.