Cook Up A Story [Events]

2011 Jul 9
Cook book and food facts for kids, just a few copies left. Order now for holiday giving.

"Cook Up A Story" celebrates the family with stories and activities in an action-packed book everyone can enjoy. Starring kids 6-12 years old, the stories introduce themes like friendship, heritage, danger, fitting in and courage. Adventurous, silly, or even sometimes bitter sweet, each story comes with a few recipes, so kids can cook what they read.

Boy chef Vinny Grette butts in throughout the book with comments about the food, nutrition, and hints on cooking up the foods in the stories. He’s a kind of know-it-all, but his heart is in the right place.

Vinny experiments with less sugar, healthier fats, and less salt in easy dishes like cookies, chicken wings and smoothies. He thinks balanced meals help families grow stronger and live longer.

E-mail me to order your copy today, while quantities last.

For details check out or

2016 Dec 13
Cook book and food facts for kids, just a few copies left. Order now for holiday giving.

"Cook Up A Story" celebrates the family with stories and activities in an action-packed book everyone can enjoy. Starring kids 6-12 years old, the stories introduce themes like friendship, heritage, danger, fitting in and courage. Adventurous, silly, or even sometimes bitter sweet, each story comes with a few recipes, so kids can cook what they read.

Boy chef Vinny Grette butts in throughout the book with comments about the food, nutrition, and hints on cooking up the foods in the stories. He’s a kind of know-it-all, but his heart is in the right place.

Vinny experiments with less sugar, healthier fats, and less salt in easy dishes like cookies, chicken wings and smoothies. He thinks balanced meals help families grow stronger and live longer.

E-mail me to order your copy today, while quantities last.

For details check out or

2016 Dec 13
Sounds familiar. Still just a few copies left? 5 years later?

2016 Dec 14
Very VERY few, obviously.

2016 Dec 14
Nice to see the evolution of OttawaFoodies image presentation. Just wait until 2021, when you might get to see an even higher resolution promo picture! ;-)

2016 Dec 14
Sure, but there will only be one copy left by then.