Cassava (Restaurants and Grocery Store) [Food/Vendor]

2017 Dec 22
Does anyone know where I can find Cassava at a grocery store? On the same topic any recommendations for restaurants that serve Cassava?

2017 Dec 22
Now that you've mentioned it, my family and I are actually craving for it too.

2017 Dec 22
A place that often has items not seen in a mainsteam grocery store is Produce Depot. Give them a call.

2017 Dec 22
I've definitely seen cassava at Produce Depot. Also, it sometimes goes by manioc, yuca, and tapioca. Make sure you cook it to deactivate the cyanide!

2017 Dec 23
I'm starting to notice that the newish Freshco on Merivale (where Target and Zellers were) is stocking an amazing collection of exotic - to me - vegetables.