Babies in restaurants [General]

2014 May 30

I think we've had a thread on this in the past, but here's a recent example. It seems to be more of a loser patron than a restaurant issue IMO. I definitely would have stepped in and given the bully a big thumbs down.

2014 May 31
I didn't see the restaurant's name mentioned in the article...

2014 May 31
If I think there are liable to be a lot of kids in a restaurant, I won't go there, and if I am in a place where there are a lot of kids, I'll probably leave early. And it's usually not the kids, it's the parents who don't take any responsibility for the actions of their precious offspring.

2014 May 31
What happened to the lady is horrible. That man is a bully. Too bad no one stepped in. As a parent, I always ensured that I soothes my baby when she got loud. If she could not be calmed, I would leave off my own volition. In my experience, most parents do this. If the kid is not loud, parents also need to eat!

2014 May 31
Aaaaaah ... Some peoples kids ! .... and I don't mean the one cooing or gurgling or whatever cute noises it was making.

2014 May 31
I agree with RiceLover. When my children were small & loud either my husband or I would take them away. But happy babbling sounds in a byward market retaurant full of tourists (& strollers...)?

2014 Jun 1
I have stepped in on situations like that. Sometimes in favour of the parents, sometimes in favour of the patron. Babies don't belong in every restaurant. But they certainly should be welcome in the vast majority of them.

2014 Jun 1
I really feel that I am missing some key information. There always seems to be outrage without a lot of corroboration. My sympathies to anyone who has to put up with boorish behaviour from other patrons. IKEA springs to mind.

2014 Jun 1
Call me a hippie, but I can do nothing but smile when around a baby. Last flight I was on the baby in front me overflowed his diaper and the entire plane stunk of baby poop. Should I blame the parents? No, me and the stranger I was sitting next to just ordered another beer. Moral of the story, we were all young once