Jewels Under the Kilt [Food/Vendor]

2014 May 30
Yes. Nuts. You got it.

There is a company in Fergus ON that sells Ontario grown nuts with this very name.

The website is horrible, but gives you some idea of what they are about.

I'm going to meet up with them at the Great Canadian Cheese Festival on June 7-8 in Picton to see what they have. I got a message from the owner saying that he is a nut farmer and buys product from other Ontario nut farmers.

Fairly local pecans? Count me in. Heartnuts, walnuts, and hazelnuts? You betcha!

I'm just really excited about not having to wait until the fall to order a huge bag of pecans from Louisiana this year.

2014 May 31
Whew! I expected to click on this thread and find an inappropriate pic of you ;)

2014 May 31
I'm not that kind of girl.

2014 Jun 6
Yes. Yes you are.