Free - Glass Gallon Jars with Lids [General]

2014 Mar 6
We are looking to give away about 30 glass gallon jars with lids. If interested, please send me a PM. We are in centre-west Ottawa.

2014 Mar 14
These have all been given away. A big thank you to organicgirl, without whose help I would still be sitting there wondering what to do with 33 jugs. People could take lessons in niceness from you!

2014 Mar 14
Oh those are the same things? When you said "jars" in this thread I was not interested. But when organicgirl posted on her facebook page that they were proper gallon jugs (for brewing!) I jumped on it :-)

2014 Mar 14
Very glad to have been able to help, felinefan!

I had planned to take some jugs myself, but this week of March Break, has left me feeling rather broken, lol! Every time I came in from chores, it was to discover that a neighbour had dropped their kids off at my house! Ack!!!

2014 Mar 14
Sorry, Zym. Bad choice of words on my part.

2014 Mar 15
No worries - the lads have about 20 of them now and are like kids in a candy store :-) Any time you need to get rid of more just let me know and I can pretty much guarantee you'll get rid of all of them.

2014 Mar 15
Thanks for offering them to me first. I appreciate it.
If I could have used them, you know I would have.