Things you thought you invented but didn't [General]

2013 Nov 28
For a long time, I thought I had invented the combination of bacon with pasta.
My father believed for years that he was the first person to combine salsa and nachos.

2013 Nov 28
I always thought I was the first person to think to wear swimming goggles when I cut up onions.

2013 Nov 28
i too use goggles when chopping onions. I also put paper towels or napkins under toast, grilled cheese sandwiches and the like to keep them crisp.

2013 Nov 28
Bacon flavored coffee.

2013 Nov 28
OSoloMeal do you run the bacon through a coffee grinder with the beans? How many rashers per cup of joe?

My mother invented both baked bean sandwiches and cottage cheese sandwiches. Why?

2013 Nov 28

My father used to make a dessert that was egg yolk whipped with sugar and a bit of milk. It is like a pudding kind of.
I did try it and it is allright,but I do not eat raw eggs.
My sister used to love this dessert though.

My grandmother used to cook chicken skin w onions until it was crisp. She may have added salt and pepper to this.
I never knew that was actually considered a real dish and wondered where she got the idea to try that (it is actually a "traditional" jewish dish).

I make some fancy rice crisp squares, I have not heard of anyone else using toasted hazelnut oil instead of butter to make them!

I've also been making my own carbonated tea drinks years before they were bottled.

2013 Nov 28
@Andy - there is infusion involved. About 3-4 slices per cup to really get the proper balance.

I also thought i invented the lasagna sandwich, but i've seen it on D3 a few times recently.

2013 Nov 28
@Prettytastyreviews - In case anyone out there is curious about the wide world of Ashkenazi Jewish cooking, chicken skin with onions is called Gribenes. It makes for a nice light snack...

2013 Nov 28
"If you believe that you are the first person to think of pairing lime juice with scalloped potatoes, please imagine that there must be a reason why."
-- Joanne Kates

"Did you like the coffee? I put cheese in it!"
-- Third Rock From The Sun

2013 Dec 1
@EMSam -my Grandmother and my Dad was Ashkenazi Jewish,
they just never told me there was a name to this dish.