Manual One Cup Cone for fresh coffee [General]

2006 Nov 26
I have finally found the manual one-cup Coffee Cone to make fresh coffee. Basically, you just pour hot boiling water into the cone and a fresh cup of coffee is made immediately. The good thing is that it only costs you $2.99+tax. This is the Melitta brand I am talking about.

The store that sells this cone is called Personal Edge, Bayshore Shopping Centre (close to Booster Juice).

2006 Nov 26
Great! My wife has one of these from her sister in Montreal.. now we know where to get it in Ottawa.

Now all I need is a coffee grinder that won't disturb co-workers -- then I'll be set! Has anyone seen a hand-cranked one recently? :-)

2006 Nov 27
I have an electric one you can have for free.. Just grind it before everyone gets there! I don't drink coffee but it was given to me as a hand-me-down from my mom, along with a bunch of other useless stuff ;)

Love you Mom!!