How to cook young leek? [General]

2012 Oct 19
So I planted leek in the spring and they haven't grown very much. I have about 2-3 dozen leek, the smallest being under a foot tall and under a 1/4" in diameter, and the largest, maybe 1/2 to 3/4" wide...

Whatever shall I do with them? I don't want them to freeze, and I know they are edible, I just have no inspiration for them! Do I use them like I would green onions? Are green onions just small leek anyway? Any tried recipes or tips you'd like to share?

Thanks :)

2012 Oct 19
No tried and true recipes here, but if I had that many I would look into using them for dumpling filling (veg or pork/leek dumplings). That or a lot of leek soup...

2012 Oct 19
I love them roasted.

They also make great soup. Google "cock a leekie", but put on your family filter first.

2012 Oct 20
all those leeks, yum. lucky you
I love leeks as a side dish. Haven't tried roasting, but I have sauteed them. You only use the white and light green parts. When I clean them I cut them in 1/2 lengthwise and then let the water run between the layers. They will have some dirt inside.
I'll put leeks in any dish that has onion.
They say to use the dark part of the leek for stock, which I finally did with the turkey stock. Couldn't really say if I noticed a leek taste but it made me feel like I was adding complexity to the stock (ha ha).

2012 Oct 20
I like leek and potato soup, sometime I add little bit of curry.
I use green part for stock. I thinly slice leek and deep fry it, use it as garnish

2012 Oct 20
I love leeks. Sautee them and put them in quiche, add them to stir-fries, put them in soups and stews. The other evening I braised bone-in chicken pieces in chicken broth, white wine, and sliced leeks. Removed the chicken and reduced the sauce, added some cream and served over chicken and rice. Was quite nice.
Happy cooking!

2012 Oct 21
Grilled with romesco sauce, I use the nytimes recipe.

2012 Oct 22
Depending on what variety you planted, it may be able to overwinter (although I guess you may have to hill it up or wrap them to keep them from freezing solid).

As for what to do with it, I'm a sucker for leek confit:

I usually serve it as a side for chicken or fish, or I just put it in a bowl and eat it with a spoon for breakfast.

2012 Oct 22
Thanks for posting the link to the recipe, Momomoto. Definitely going to give this a try.

2012 Oct 22
All of these ideas sound tasty!! However my question was more to figure out what to do with the ones I have that are TINY.

Since they haven't grown to full maturity, they are pretty tender... Can I use the green parts too?

Do I use these tiny leek like I would regular sized leek? And quantity wise, if a recipe called for 3 leek (more or less 1 cup of the white part), do I use one full cup of baby leek? White only? or or white and green parts?


2012 Oct 23
I found this on Jamie Oliver's site Perhaps this will help.